
I leaned into Ben,my hands on his back for support. I knew the thief was strong. I knew her magic was likely even stronger than it had been last time we'd met. I also wasn't sure if I was strong enough to get my magic back again if she took it from me.

I needed a plan.

There had to be a way to outsmart her.

Like the bell. I didn't have to go through the extra obstacles, I just had to ring the bell.

This time, I had to save Makayla. Whatever else happened didn't matter. I just had to keep my magic long enough to get Makayla away from her. I'd fought her before, but not while she was holding a weapon against one of my friends.

A flicker of hope rose in my chest when I watched Luka and the twins break through the crowd. Maybe there was a way we could take her down together. Maybe between the five of us we could even catch this mad woman.

My brain whirred, trying to come up with a plan as Luka faced the thief.

"You're going to have to go through all of us to get to her," Luka said.

The thief shrugged. "As you wish."

Then she dragged the knife across Makayla's neck.

My magic flared to life and I didn't fight it. I didn't care if it wasn't allowed. I embraced it, letting it explode out of me.

And like before, time stopped.

Before I lost control, I pushed past Ben and walked up to the thief. To my surprise, she lowered the knife.

I risked a glance at Makayla. The cut didn't look too deep and I had to hope they'd get her medical attention as soon as time started again.

"Your magic doesn't work on me," she said. "But I'm glad you froze your helpers. It'll be so much more satisfying to have them enter time again to see you dead on the ground."

"I don't think so." I kicked her hand, sending the knife skidding across the floor.

Then, I channeled my magic the way Professor Halifax had taught me. Holding onto it, I broke the time stop.

"How?" the thief asked, her eyes wide.

Ben, Luka, and the twins all slammed into her, wrestling her to the ground.

I stepped back and ran to Makayla.

Tears streamed down her cheeks and she held her hand to her injured neck.

"Are you okay?" I asked, gently moving her hand so I could look at her cut.

"I think so," she said. "I'm still alive so that's good."

Dr. Green cut through the crowd. "Everyone back to their dorms."

The students protested in grumbled murmurs.

"Anyone who is still in the ballroom in two minutes will be sent to confinement," he said.

The students shifted, moving away from us.

Dr. Green stopped next to Makayla and looked at her injury. He frowned. "Head to the hospital wing. They'll get you cleaned up."