"I don't want to put you in the middle of anything," I said.

"You're not," she said. "Ben didn't even tell me what the twins told him."

"It probably had to do with the fact that they're worried about me," I said.

"Worried? Ben could kick anyone's ass who tried to hurt you," I said.

"Except his father, apparently," I said.

She was quiet for a moment. "Yeah, there is that."

"Is he really that bad?" I asked.

She nodded, her expression grim.

I supposed there were perks to not being plugged into the supernatural world. If I knew everything about Ben's dad, would I have tried to stay away from him? Would it have even worked? Somehow, I doubted it.

"Well, I guess we'll have to figure out how to deal with that once we get there." I glanced at my clock. It was almost midnight. "But now, I guess we should get going before everyone else comes looking for me."

"Just be careful around the twins," she said. "I don't trust mages."

"Again, mage here," I said.

She winced. "I always forget you're a mage. You're not like the rest of them."

"Yet, Ben's murderous dad is oaky?"

"No, he's not," she said. "But none of us are our parents."

"True," I said. Those were heavy words. I didn't remember my parents, but they were apparently very powerful and well liked. I wish I knew them. I'd been left instead with someone I very much didn't ever want to be like.

I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair into a messy bun. "Ready?"

"Let's go." Makayla opened the door for us.

We walked quietly through the dungeon and crept through the silent halls of the school. Occasionally, I heard the sound of students talking in the distance, but we never encountered anyone on our walk to the gym.

The gym was on the opposite end of the school from the cafeteria, common room and other social gathering places. This time of day, it was a ghost town.

Luka, Jessica, and Starla were already waiting for us.

"Hey, kitten, you okay?" Luka asked.

"Yeah, I decided to rest for a minute on my bed..." I let the words trail off.

"Took a nap, huh?" Jessica asked.

"Yep. Thankfully Makayla came to get me."

I heard the sound of footsteps and turned to see Ben walking over to us with Jamal. He avoided eye contact with me which told me the twins had probably talked about our relationship with him.

With the practice trials hanging over our heads, dealing with relationship issues was the last thing I wanted to think about. I pushed the thought away and turned away from Ben. I would deal with it later.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed more people walking toward us. I looked up to see the twins.

"You invited them?" Luka asked.

"They heard about it somehow," I said. "Better to have them in on it than telling others, right?"