He pulled me in for a hug as tears streamed down my cheeks. "It's going to be alright."

"How?" I asked.

"Cause you have me," he said. "And you have Makayla. And Violet and people that want you to be here. You're not alone here."

My brow furrowed as I took in the deeper meaning of his words. It was as if I knew he was referring to my life before the Academy. A time when I always felt alone. When I had to do everything myself because I couldn't count on people to step up.

"Come on." He let go of me, then stood. "We have a little bit of time before lunch, right? Let's see what we can find."

He offered his hand. I took it, feeling like maybe I could figure this out.

Hand in hand, we walked to the librarian's desk. The librarian, a squat gray troll with mossy green hair glared at us. Luka let go of my hand.

I grabbed it back, squeezing it tighter.

For a second, I swore I almost felt a flicker of magic, but it was gone before I could be sure.

"Can you help us find some books on broken magic?" Luka asked.

The troll sized me up, looking at me over her wire framed glasses. "You lost your magic, mage?"

"Maybe," I said.

She frowned. "I can't help you narrow your search if I don't know the details."

I sighed. "Fine. Yes. I lost my magic. A thief got a hold of me."

She pursed her lips making her hot pink lipstick look even more bright against her stone colored skin.

"Do you have anything that might help us?" I asked, trying to be nice.

She sighed. "Follow me."

The librarian led us through the maze-like library until we reached a small shelf with about a dozen books. The empty space on the shelf was covered in a thick layer of dust. It didn't look like anyone had used these books in a long time.

"This is everything we have on thieves," she said. "Not much research on the topic as few live long after their encounter."

My throat felt tight, but I managed to squeak out, "Thank you."

She nodded and walked away, leaving Luka and I with the sparse resources.

"Well, there's ten books here and the check-out limit is five, so I think we're going to take all of these with us," he said.

I nodded. "Good plan." Some of the books were thick and were going to take time to read.

We each grabbed our five books, then I turned to look at him. "Thanks for your help."

"Any time." He looked like he wanted to say more so I waited.

"Was there something else?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "I know you're not doing the dating thing right now and I have to admit, that's what I really want from you. But there's no reason I can't be your friend. Just because I get my magic from sex doesn't mean I have to do it all the time."

"I've been meaning to ask you about that," I said. "Is it just sex that powers you? Do the dreams do anything or can other things do something?"

He smirked. "Well, sex is the best, for a lot of reasons, of course. But it is the strongest way to charge my magic. Dreams don't do much, but I get a little." He leaned in closer to me and lowered his voice. "Believe it or not, I don't do dream sex with every girl I meet. That's for fun, not magic."

My cheeks heated as he backed away. "What about other things?"