
The next twoweeks were a blur of learning how to use my magic and fitting in sessions with Professor Halifax.

I was getting stronger. Keeping up with the twins during class and holding on to my time magic for longer when I practiced with the portal tear.

Even my meeting with my parole officer couldn't bring me down. I was feeling like I finally had some control over how things were going in my own life.

The only downside was sneaking around with Luka and Ben. Since I couldn't leave the school to go to the demon dorms, and I didn't want to bring Luka to my room - where I shared a wall with Ben - the two of us had been creative in our meetings.

The library was our usual meeting place, but we'd even ducked into a few classrooms from time to time.

Ben on the other hand, was completely different. With him, it was late night sneaking around because he was so worried one of the other shifters would see us.

In fact, he'd been so worried about it, the two of us hadn't seen each other in days.

And I was getting antsy.

I mean, it wasn't like I wasn't getting action, but every time I walked past him in the common room or saw him in class, my sex drive went into high gear. I needed him. Bad.

There had to be a better way.

As I was leaving the office from another round of threats by my parole officer, I stopped at the secretary's desk.

She looked over her reading glasses at me. "Yes?"

"Is there any way I could get a new keycard for my room?" I asked.

She pursed her lips. "What happened to your old key card?"

"I thought it was in my backpack, but I must have left it in my room this morning."

She scowled at me. It was as if no student had ever left their key card in their room before.

Finally, after what felt like minutes of silence, she pushed herself away from her desk on her wheeled desk chair and opened a file cabinet behind her. After a moment of digging through the drawer, she rolled back to her desk, a card in hand.

She lifted the card to me. "Don't lose it."

"I won't, thank you," I said.

Her lips were still puckered as if she'd eaten something sour when I took the card from her hand. I wasn't sure why she worked here. She certainly seemed to hate people. Then again, I supposed working at a school could do that to you. Maybe she'd been a people person when she started here and was stuck here.

I shuddered and silently vowed to cross teaching or customer service off my list of post academy occupations. All day interacting with people was enough to leave anyone jaded and angry.

Quickly, I shoved the card in the pocket of my black pants and left the office before anyone could say anything else to me.

I didn't actually lose my card. In fact, it was safely tucked away in my backpack. And I had a sneaky suspicion she knew that. But I had a plan.

Beelining it to class, I hurried to get to my seat before the rest of the students settled. This was my only class with Ben and if I played my cards right, I could get this to him without drawing attention.

He entered with another shifter, the two of them chatting as they came through the door. He glanced toward me, his eyes lingering on mine a second longer than they should have before he looked away.

My chest hurt every time he did that. I knew we had to keep everything a secret. At least until we figured something else out, but it was wearing on me.

He took his seat and I kept my gaze forward, not wanting to draw attention to myself. It took all my willpower to keep from looking back at him.

Finally, Professor Hurd walked into the room, carrying a stack of blue exam books.