I glanced at Dr. Green again, hoping for some support here. Something was obviously going on, but I wasn't getting it. He didn't look at me, so I turned back to my parole officer and tried to get a read on him.

His face was flushed as usual and he was breathing through his mouth, his sharp yellow teeth clearly visible. I still had no idea what he was. All I wanted was for him to stay as far away from me as possible.

"If my professors think I can safely participate, I'll join my classmates," I said. "Honestly, it's up to them."

"Good. You've learned your place, it seems," he said.

I gripped the armrests of the chair, squeezing them to prevent myself from saying something I'd regret. The sooner I got through this meeting, the sooner he'd be gone. And I'd have another whole week before I had to put up with him again.

"And your extracurricular activities?" he asked.

I lifted an eyebrow. Here came the part where he tried to find out about my personal life. It was so creepy. Why the hell did he care what a twenty-one-year-old girl was doing or who she was doing it with?

"Same as last week," I said. "I rarely do anything other than schoolwork."

"Ms. Winters is a model student, as I told you before," Dr. Green said.

"We received reports that she's recently been spending time with the Obscura twins and time in the demon dorm," he said, keeping his beady eyes on me.

I nearly choked in surprise. "You're spying on me?"

"I told you, we are keeping a very close eye on you," he said. "If you so much as use one ounce of time magic, we'll know."

"I toldyouthat I'm not doing anything wrong. Is it illegal for me to have friends?" I asked.

"It's not illegal but it is suspicious considering the attack on campus resulting in a dead guard and a possible intruder in the demon dorm the same time you were there," he said.

My mouth dropped open in surprise. "Are you accusing me of something?"

"Should I be?" he asked.

"As I told you before," Dr. Green said. "Raven is not a suspect in that attack."

"That's not for you to decide," Officer Malone said.

"I was with a friend during that incident," I said. "I wasn't prowling around outside."

"What were you doing with your friend?" he asked.

I swear his breathing quickened. It was like he already knew and wanted me to say it out loud. Pervert. "I don't think that's any of your business."

"As I told you before, we have witnesses who place her nowhere near the incident," Dr. Green said.

"I've heard stories like this before," Officer Malone said. "Don't think that you're above the law just because the Obscura family is paying your tuition."

"I don't think that," I said.

"You're on strike two, Ms. Winters," he said.

"What?" I scoffed. "That isn't even fair. I didn't do anything wrong."

"That's my decision. As far as I'm concerned, your alibi lines up too nicely. You even think about time magic and I'll get you locked up for not just illegal magic but for murder as well."

"Wait a minute," I said. "I had nothing to do with all of that. You can't do that."

"I can and I will," he said. "Do you want to test me?"

I opened my mouth to object but wasn't sure what to say. Somehow this had gone from a typical meeting to me being accused of murdering a guard. It didn't even make sense. Why would he jump to that? Especially since we'd met since it happened? Why bring it up now?