"Why don't you come in, Ms. Winters?" Dr. Green asked.

Relieved to have a reason to break eye contact with Ms. Obscura, I stepped into the room and settled into the chair next to the one she'd been occupying. She sat down next to me and Dr. Green took his place behind his desk.

"Explain what happened," Dr. Green said. "Was it something from your session with Professor Halifax?"

"Not exactly," I said. There was no way I was going to tell them that unlocked my magic by having sex. That was not the conversation you wanted to have with your friend's mom. Especially when you wereinterestedin your friends. As it was, it was going to be hard enough if they ever found out the truth. I didn't need it to come from their mom.

"So how did you do it?" Ms. Obscura pressed.

"It was shortly after my training session last night," I said. "It sort of just returned."

"Just returned?" Dr. Green said, lifting a skeptical eyebrow.

"Yes," I said.

"Ms. Winters, please, I've come to know when you're withholding," he said.

"Seriously?" I said. "Can't we just be cool with the fact that it came back?"

They both looked at me, unspeaking, waiting for an answer. The silence was heavy, weighing on me.


"Fine. I had sex, okay?"

Dr. Green's face turned crimson. "You're right, we didn't need to know that."

"Not with that incubus, I hope," Ms. Obscura said, her nose wrinkling.

"Madeline, I don't think we need the details."

"Of course, Max," she said.

I lifted an eyebrow. "Max?"

"Dr. Green," he said.

"Got it," I said. "The point is, I'm here to tell you that my magic is back so I'm not violating my parole."

"Thank you, Ms. Winters. I'll send a message along to Officer M."

I sat in the chair for a second as another round of awkward silence filled the room. "Well, if that's all, I can go."

"Wait a moment, Ms. Winters," Ms. Obscura said. "Dr. Green, would you mind if the two of us had a chat?"

My pulse quickened. I didn't really want to be alone with her in here, though I knew I owed her everything. If not for her paying my tuition, I wouldn't even be here.

"Of course," he said. "I'll wait outside if either of you need anything, let me know."

Ms. Obscura sat quietly while Dr. Green walked away from his desk. I heard the door shut and knew the two of us were alone.

She leaned closer to me. "By now, I'm sure you've learned that I'm paying your tuition, yes?"

"Yes, and thank you," I said. "It's beyond generous and I want you to know that I'll do what I can to pay you back one day."

"I'm sure you will, dear," she said, her voice saccharine sweet. "However, I think it will be a different way that you envision."
