"It means you're experiencing a bond similar to a mating bond. It's rare in mages. The three of you are going to have a lot to talk about after this," she said. "For now, keep those libidos in check. Focus on the candles."

I took a deep breath in, trying not to be too overwhelmed by all the sensations in my body. Apparently magic and sexual attraction were a dangerous combination. But there was no way in hell I was going to let it get to me while standing in a classroom.

I looked at the candles in front of us. There were eight of them in a line at Professor Halifax's feet.

"Raven needs to light these candles but she'll need your help. However, you need to focus on connecting to her magic and sending it through her. Don't use yours," Professor Halifax said.

"Got it," Matt said.

"Can do," Zach said.

The warmth intensified in my hands and I felt the familiar shockwaves of magic as it filled my veins. Narrowing my eyes, I focused on the candles on the ground. I needed to find my magic and light them all.

Behind the candles, I was vaguely aware of a sizzling sound but I ignored it, focusing on the wicks.

Trying to send all other distractions away, I focused on the sound of my breathing and the feeling of my chest rising and falling. The harder I focused, the more clear things became. I felt like I was alone. Just me and the candles. Nothing else mattered. I couldn't hear anything else. I couldn't see anything else. I felt magic flowing through me, my hands acting as a conductor for the power.

Urging the magic forward, I imagined the flames rising from each of the wicks, one at a time, down the row.

Suddenly, the whole room went dark and I fell to the ground. Slowly, I blinked, adjusting to an odd weightless sensation. It was as if I was in a swimming pool, suspended in liquid.

As my eyes adjusted, I noticed a row of lit candles in front of me. From somewhere far away, someone called my name.

I looked up just as a hand grabbed me and pulled me up.

All at once, the lights returned and I could breathe normally again. "What happened?"

"You nearly opened the portal," Professor Halifax said.

"I don't understand," I said.

She smiled. "I made a tiny tear again to pull in some extra magic. It was too much. You're almost too strong with your mates."

Brow furrowed, I looked at the row of candles. They were all happily flickering away. "I did that?"

She nodded. "You did."

"Does that mean her magic is back?" Zach asked.

"It's close," she said. "I can feel it just below the surface. She'll need something big to push her over that last edge to bring it out."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I have a few things in mind that we can try," Professor Halifax said. "But for now, you should get some rest. While your friends were supporting you, that was your magic being used."

"She's right," Zach said. "I don't even feel like I used any magic."

"You're helping her find hers," Professor Halifax said.

"Thank you both," I said.

"Maybe you should come back to our room with us for a while and rest where we can keep an eye on you," Matt said.

"I don't think so," I said. "We might have some kind of bond, but it'll take more than that to get into my pants."

"That's fair," Zach said.

I smirked at him, reading between the lines. He was looking at me as a challenge and part of me was looking forward to making him work for it. Just because they were spoiled and cocky, didn't mean they didn't have a chance. Especially given that our magic was practically begging us to get it on. If anything, it would be a test of how long I could go before I broke.