
"Professor Herd seemedto think it would come back on its own." A wave of nausea rolled through me as I stood rooted to the spot where Professor Halifax had directed me.

She lifted a perfect brow in annoyance. "I thought you said you were willing to try anything?"

My throat bobbed. "Yes, I did say that. But this is like the stuff out of horror movies, you do realize that?"

"Where do you think they got their ideas?" she asked.

I stood there, in the center of a circle of shiny pink stones. Professor Halifax went back to setting candles up around me. So close that if I moved, I'd risk knocking them over.

"What exactly are we doing?" I asked.

She set down the last candle then stepped over the stones to leave me standing in the circle. "I know you did a magic meld with the Obscura brothers. This will reactivate it."

"But they're not even here," I said.

"I know, that's why we have the stones, they'll give us a little more distance on the spell," she said.

"They said the meld was dangerous," I said.

"I'm hearing a lot of complaining about someone who wants to get her magic back."

I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes. She was right. What choice did I have? Wait and hope my magic came back or go along with this crazy ass plan. Honestly, I wasn't even sure what her plan was. And she was a professor and Dr. Green trusted her, right?

Dropping my hands to my side I looked up at her. "What do you need me to do."

She stood in front of me, outside of the circle of stones. Her arms were out on either side of her, fingers splayed. "I'm going to cast the spell, you have to lean into it when you feel the magic surge. Your goal is to light the candles."

"Alright, I can do that." It sounded harmless enough. No touching like I'd done with the magic meld before. It was just lighting a few candles. I tried not to think about how I'd set myself on fire last time I'd worked with fire. "Let's try it."

"You have to give me more confidence than that," she said.

"Okay, let's light some candles," I said with feigned confidence.

She lifted her arms and closed her eyes. I took deep breaths, concentrating on how I felt, searching for any flicker of magic.

I thought about the twins and the way we'd connected our magic. The memory came flooding back to me, the sensation of the light that connected us shooting through my legs and up into my chest. Reacting on instinct, I called it to my hands and felt it rush to my fingertips. I had to harness this. I wasn't sure if it was a memory or if it was real, but I needed to embrace it just in case it was real. If this was my magic returning, I had to hang on to it.

Light the candles.

The words came from nowhere. I wasn't sure if they were mine or someone else's but I knew I had to try. I looked down at the ring of candles circling me and sent the sparks I felt toward them, urging them to ignite.

One of the wicks flickered to life as a tiny but steady flame bloomed from the candle. A rush of relief surged through me and I laughed.

Just as quickly as the magic had arrived, it faded. I stumbled forward as exhaustion set in. Dizzy and lightheaded, I managed to avoid knocking down the single lit candle as I stepped outside of the circle.

"That was a good start," Professor Halifax said.

The room was spinning and my pulse raced. I felt like I'd just run ten miles. Everything felt surreal and uneven. I wasn't even sure what was real and what wasn't. The whole room had a dream like haze around it. "What happened?"

"You found your magic," she said.

My heart leaped and I smiled and hope expanded in my chest. "Does that mean it's back?"

"It means it's ready for us to tap back into it. I'm guessing a few more weeks of practice and training and you'll be back at full power."