The man in front of me scowled. "This is not a laughing matter."

"Of course not," I said.

"You have a formal charge against you of using time magic illegally," he said. "Because you are a minor, instead of serving time, you are on probation with a warning. You are my responsibility now,"

I opened my mouth to say something but felt a jab in my knee. I glanced over to see Dr. Green bouncing his foot and staring at the clock.

Taking the hint, I kept my mouth shut.

"My name is Officer M and we're going to see a lot of each other over the next six months."

I nodded, keeping my thoughts about how insane this whole thing was to myself.

"You will meet with me weekly for the next month. I will be in contact with Dr. Green regarding your use of magic and keeping tabs on you," he said.

"I don't even have any magic right now," I blurted out.

Officer M cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean that you have no magic?"

"The time thief seems to have temporarily halted her magic," Dr. Green said.

"So you can't do any magic?" Officer M asked, looking skeptical.

I shook my head. "None."

"That's not what I was told on my briefing," he said.

"Were you told that a government official was the one who took my magic?" I asked.

"Raven," Dr. Green chided.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Green, but how the hell did she even get in here?" I asked.

"I'm afraid that's a rather gruesome tale," Officer M said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We found the real agent dead in her home. The thief broke in and stole her identification documents and her magic. We suspect she then shifted into her appearance before coming here," he said.

It felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs. I blinked at the officer as I tried to process what he just said. Not only was this psychopath after me, she was able to shift into other people's forms?

"Why wasn't the school informed of this attack so we could have increased security?" Dr. Green asked.

"I'm afraid that's above your clearance level," Officer M sneered.

Dr. Green stood so quickly I thought he might attack the other man. Instead, he set his hands on the desk and leaned over until he was inches away from his face. "These students are my responsibility and you will inform me if something like this happens again."

"Just because you used to be someone important doesn't mean you always get your way. I know what you did to get sent here. Your glory days are long gone,sir."

Tension hung thick in the air and I held my breath. My fingers hurt from the grip I had on the arm rests but I didn't ease up. I was ready to jump out of this chair and run if these two got into a brawl. I didn't have any magic and I sure as hell wasn't going to get into the middle of a scuffle between them. Dr. Green could probably crush a skull with his bare hands, and I didn't want to think about the sharp teeth on the other guy.

"That may be the case,Officer, but this is my school and here, I call the shots. And if any of my students are attacked because of your agency's inadequacy, it will be publicly announced when our board meets.

"You can't say a word," Officer M said through clenched teeth. "You know this is confidential."

"There are ways around every rule, you know that, don't you?" Dr. Green said.

Officer M looked back at me. "Ms. Winters, if you are caught using time magic again, you will not have a warning. You will go right to prison. No matter who is paying your tuition."