"You get out of gym class again?" Luka asked.

"Lucky girl," Makayla said.

"I don't know about that," I said as I skimmed the note. "Apparently, I'm meeting my parole officer."

My stomach twisted as apprehension mixed with fear. Last time an authority figure aside from the staff at this school met with me, I'd nearly died. What if this parole officer was another attempt on my life?

"It'll be alright," Luka said.

"I'm sure it will be," I said, feigning nonchalance. "Hey, look at that. From a double murder where my punishment is this school to fighting for my life where I get my very own parole officer."

"They have seriously messed up priorities," Makayla said.

"That about sums up the way it works around here," Luka said.

"You'll be in the main office this time, though," Luka said. "Not hidden away in the basement."

I nodded, feeling comforted by his words. He was right. There would actually be people around to hear me scream if the parole officer tried to attack me.

"Well, us non criminals have to go to class," Makayla said, nudging me with her elbow playfully. "You need me to walk you to the office?"

"Nah, you guys should go, I don't want you to be late. Especially not to gym."

"I'll send your best to Coach Miller," Luka said.

"Oh, do not do that," I said. "With any luck, he won't notice I'm missing."

"He'll notice. And I'm sure he'll have lots of laps for you to make up tomorrow."

"Can't wait," I said.

"I'm sure it'll be over before you notice," Luka said. "Meet you in the common area after last period?"

"It's a date," I said.