
expectedRaven to be upset when she found me. I didn't expect her to look as sexy as she did.

My inner wolf growled low as she approached. Raven was always hot as hell. She always made me want to tear her clothes off. But tonight she took that to the next level.

It was taking all of my will power not to run to her and throw her over my shoulder and carry her out of here.

She stopped in front of me with a hand on her hip. "For some reason you decided that if you couldn't be my date to the dance, nobody could? Did you tell Luka not to ask me too?"

"Not exactly," I said.

She lifted an eyebrow, clearly annoyed. "I'm waiting."

"I might have called in a favor with him," I said.

"You saved his life and your favor is for him to not ask me to a dance?" She shook her head. "You wasted your favor."

I reached for her hand and was pleasantly surprised that she didn't pull away from my touch. "I don't think of it as a waste. It's time we make this official."

Her brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?" She pulled her hand away. "We can't do that. You said so yourself."

"I had a chat with my dad," I said, waiting for the realization to dawn on her.

"So we went frommy dad is going to kill us bothto my dad is fine?" she asked.

He laughed. "Turns out the only thing he wants more than his son being legit is a connection to the underworld."

"How does that help us?" she asked. Then her eyes widened. "Luka."

"Turns out having a mating bond with a girl who also has a mating bond with the most powerful demon in Hell is a good thing."

"A good thing for whom?" She glanced around, probably looking for Luka. "Seems to me your dad and Luka's mom shouldn't be anywhere near each other for the sake of the world."

"Normally, I'd agree with you." I took hold of her other hand and gently urged her closer to me. "But I'm willing to let them hash things out among themselves if it means I get to have you."

"I'm not sure I’m worth it," she said.

"You are, trust me," I said.

"Please tell me you didn't cause the end of the world or something," she said.

I laughed. "They might have a lot of power, but my dad is only interested in money, I doubt we've ushered in the apocalypse with their introduction. Besides, I just arranged for them to meet. They still have to get along on their own."

"And if they do?" She bit down on her lip, a nervous habit of hers.

"Then they'll figure out a way to form a business relationship." I shrugged.

"And if they don't?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. But I don't want to talk about my dad tonight. Or Luka's mom. Or Luka." I slid my arms around her waist. "I want to have a dance with the most beautiful girl at the ball."

She smirked and I could feel the tension releasing from her. She was probably still worried but like me, the pull toward her mate was overpowering her better judgement.

She had a point that it might have been dangerous to introduce those two, but I wasn't worried about them. They'd figure it out. If anything, they were dangerous to each other. And if it allowed me to be with Raven, to really be with her, it was worth it.

I led Raven onto the dance floor.