Ben turned and walked toward the nearest door, the women's locker room. "Open the door."

I opened the door and held it while Ben carried Luka in. He paused just inside the room and turned back to the twins. "I need you two to let us know if anyone shows up."

"You got it," Matt said.

My heart swelled as I looked at the twins. They'd come back for us and they were still helping. I owed them more than they'd ever know.

"Thank you," I said.

"Go, help your friend," Zach said. "We've got this."

I nodded then followed Ben into the locker room.

He set Luka down on the ground inside the massive group shower, then he turned to me. "You're going to need to get him some magic."

I looked at Luka. He was laying there unresponsive. How was I supposed to do anything to help him?

"Kiss him," Ben said.

Leaning over the injured demon, I pressed my lips to his. Then, I cupped his cheeks and gently kissed his forehead. He took a breath and it sounded better than it had before.

I looked up at Ben. "I think it helped."

"He needs more." Ben moved closer to me and then grabbed the back of my head, pulling me in for a kiss.

I broke away from him and looked at him, my eyes wide. "Now is not the time."

"It's exactly the time," Ben said. "He feeds off sexual energy. Not just his. But those around him. You want to save him?"

"Of course I do."

"Then kiss me." Ben pulled me into another kiss, pressing his lips hard against mine.

My body responded almost instantly as tingles shot right to my core. I leaned into him and weaved my fingers into his hair.