The two of us raced toward the dragons. Luka was running up a ramp, ducking from another round of fire. He disappeared and I screamed. "Luka!"

My heart pounded against my ribs and I felt my own magic rising to the threat. It surged through me, demanding that I release it. I breathed in through my nose, doing my best to keep the time magic contained. At least my lessons with Professor Halifax had helped me with that. A few weeks ago, I would have already frozen time on instinct.

Next to me, I heard a familiar growl and I turned to see a huge wolf where Ben had been. He took off, moving faster than I ever could even with all the running practice I'd had lately.

He charged one of the dragons, snapping at its leg.

"Ben, be careful," I yelled. My heart felt like it was splitting in two. On one hand, I had Luka somewhere nearby, possibly hurt. On the other hand there was Ben actively chasing down a fucking dragon.

I stopped moving, trying to decide where to go next. I couldn't choose between them any more than I could choose to breathe.

Suddenly, a fireball shot past me and I lunged to the side, risking a glance behind me. I expected a dragon, but what I got instead was the twins.

Both of them were facing down the dragon that had turned on Ben.

"Go get Luka," Matt said. "We've got the dragons."

I nodded. At least Ben was getting help.

The second dragon flew over me, joining his friend just as Matt and Zach arrived next to Ben. The three of them had a chance, I supposed.

Moving fast again, I raced toward the drop off where I'd last seen Luka.

It didn't take long to find him. He was on the ground and he wasn't moving. A pool of blood was spreading away from him, leaving a red stain on the floor.

"No." I felt like my heart had been ripped out through my chest. He had to be okay. He just had to be.

I ran to him, collapsing onto my knees at his side. "Luka, say something. Please be alive. You have to be alive."

He didn't move.

I pressed my fingertips to his neck, feeling for a pulse as I watched his chest for signs of breathing. His pulse was weak, but it was there.

Leaning down, I moved my ear above his mouth, listening for breath. It came, but it was strained and rattling. I wasn't a doctor but even I knew he was running out of time.


I turned to see Ben. He was covered in blood and his clothes were burned and falling apart. But he was standing and he was taking to me. I allowed myself a second of relief for his safety before turning back to Luka.

"We have to get out of here," Ben said. "The twins got the dragons back in their pen. We have to go now before they break out again."

"He's dying, Ben," I said. "I don't know what to do."

Ben dropped down next to Luka and pressed his fingers to his neck. "He still has a pulse. He probably needs to feed."

"Like sex?" I asked.

Ben slid his arms under Luka and lifted him. Luka's head rolled back, his eyes still closed.

"Ben we can't let him die, please, you have to help me," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Come on," he said. "I have an idea."

I followed Ben to the gym doors where Matt and Zach were holding them open for us.

"Is he?" Matt asked.

"Not yet," Ben said. "But he doesn't have long."