
"Please tellme that was one of you wolves," Luka said.

"You know it wasn't," Ben said.

"Are there usually other creatures in the trials?" I asked. "Or guards?"

"There weren't last year," Luka said.

"You snuck in here last year and still didn't pass," Makayla said.

"Hey, some of us didn't want to graduate right away," he said.

"Alright, everyone stop arguing. We should go before whatever it is finds us," I said in a loud whisper.

"Too late," Starla said. "Run."

I turned toward her voice and my mouth dropped open in shock. There was a dragon looking down at us.A fucking dragon.It opened its mouth and roared.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled. I turned and ran, Ben dragging me along with him.

We raced toward the door we'd come in. A rush of air passed overhead and the dragon landed in front of the door, roaring again. The sound made every hair on my body stand on edge.

"Dragons are fucking real?" I screamed as we took off running in the opposite direction.

Nobody answered and I didn't really expect them to. It was obvious from our current situation that dragons were fucking real, but it was still a lot to take in. You'd think humans would know if dragons existed. How the fuck did they keep them hidden all this time?

I risked a glance behind me and saw a second dragon swoop in and join the first. They both screeched in unison as if communicating something. I wasn't sure I wanted to know what it was.

Grateful for all the running I'd been doing the last few months, I kept pace with Ben as we bolted around a climbing wall and around a few platforms.

I caught a glimpse of the rest of our friends as they dove under a structure. Tugging Ben's hand, I dragged him in that direction so we could catch up to the others.

We slid under a platform structure just as the first round of fire blasted the gym floor. I tucked my legs under me to move farther into the back of the little enclosure.

Panting, I looked around at the terrified faces of my friends. "Anyone got a plan?"

"Can't you use fire?" Makayla asked.

"Yeah, but that's a dragon," I said.

"I'm going to cause a distraction," Luka said. "The rest of you, run."

"Luka!" I shouted after him as he darted toward the dragon.

"Come on," Ben said, grabbing my arm.

The dragons flapped their wings, sending stray hair flying into my face. I turned toward them staring in horror as they followed Luka.

"Run, Raven," Ben pulled me toward him but I was paralyzed. I couldn't leave Luka like that.

The rest of the group ran toward the door, reaching it before I even moved.

"We can't leave him, Ben," I said.

"Fuck." Ben dropped my arm. "Come on, then."