"Oh, that's what you were looking for," I said.

"Of course," she said. "Like I could give two shits about how you feel or what your bond is or whatever. I just want to know how he is in bed. I hooked up with a succubus once. Best night of my life. Wasn't sure if the male version was the same way."

"Well, I've never been with a succubus, but I can confirm that Luka is incredible. In my dreams and in the real world."

"Dream sex, I'm jealous. That means you could literally doze off in class and have the most amazing wet dream ever," she said.

I laughed. "I hadn't thought about it like that, but I guess I could."

After class, as I changed in the locker room, I couldn't help but wonder what Luka had planned for tonight. He'd never invited the whole group to anything before. In fact, the only time he was part of the shifter group was at meals. When I hung out with them, it was usually in the common room.

I left the locker room thinking about how I'd pass the time till dinner when I ran smack into one of the twins. It took me a second to shake off the surprise to realize I was staring at Matt. "Hey, what's up?"

I'd been avoiding them lately, which I felt bad about after all they'd done to help me. But their mom freaked me the fuck out. It was one thing to be interested in someone, it was another thing to have their mom ready to throw you a baby shower before you've even decided you want to have sex with her kid.

"I heard a rumor," he said.

My heart raced. How did he find out about Ben?

"I heard you and your friends have some plans for tonight and frankly, I'm hurt." He frowned in a playful, exaggerated way.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Word travels," he said. "Gym at midnight?"

"Oh, that," I said. "I don't even know what Luka is planning."

He frowned again briefly but this one wasn't forced. It was real. And I had a feeling it was in response to me dropping Luka's name. Since I'd been more public in my affections with the incubus, Matt slowed on his flirting with me. There was a part of me that missed it.

"We want in," he said. "I thought we were friends."

"We are," I said. "But I feel like I'm missing something here. What do you think we'll be doing?"

"The gym is being set up as we speak for the practice trials. If your friend wants you to meet here tonight, my guess is he figured out a way to get a preview. We want in."

"Oh, yeah." I hadn't even thought about the fact that they might set up for the trials early. We took them Monday.

"Any peek is going to help," he said. "I take mine Monday. I drew the first position."

"You must be so nervous," I said. "I'm so sorry."

He shrugged. "Someone has to be first. But I'm not thrilled that it's me. It gives me a huge disadvantage. I don't get to ask anyone about it before my turn."

"Of course you can come with us," I said. "

He smirked. "Nice to see you still care about me even if you're spending all your time with that incubus."

I winced. His words hurt. Just because I'd been avoiding him didn't mean I didn't still feel dawn to him and Zach. I just wasn't ready for the pressure of his family. And I couldn't afford to mess things up. His mom was paying for me to be here. What if we hooked up and he dumped me? What if he decided he didn't want his family helping me anymore?

Also, right now, his mom's help was charity. Granted, I knew she had ulterior motives, but I could try to ignore that. If I started sleeping with her son, there was so much more pressure.

"I do care about you," I said. "But things are complicated right now."

"I worry about you, Raven," he said.

"Why?" I asked. "I'm fine."

He shook his head. "It's not just jealousy that I'm not in your bed, which, trust me, is a thing. I do want to be in your bed. But Ben isn't exactly the type of guy you should be sneaking around with."