Ben's uniform was disheveled, but at least he was clothed. I wasn't sure how that all worked until just then. Everything the night the thief attacked had happened so quickly the details blurred together.

"Why are we not in our seats and ready to learn?" Professor Herd asked.

"You okay?" I asked Ben.

He nodded, then turned away from me, his expression impassive.

My heart ached at how quickly I'd been dismissed. How impersonal that expression was. But he'd shifted to come to my rescue. That had to mean he didn't really want to cut me out, right?

I shouldn't feel so worried about him not wanting to be my friend, but it hurt thinking he didn't want me around. I couldn't explain it. I needed him. At least there was a flicker of hope in his fast shift and rush to my defense.

It was like the Thief's attack all over again. I guess some girls had guardian angels looking after them. I had a broody, angry wolf shifter.

As I settled into my seat, I smiled to myself. Something told me he'd be there for me when I really needed him. Whatever he was going through, he needed time and space. I'd give him that and soon enough, he'd come around.

I tried not to think about Ben while Professor Herd droned on and on about the theory of using portals for transportation to other realms. I still hadn't quite wrapped my head around the fact that there was magic in the realm I did live in. I wasn't sure I was ready to think about other realms with other kinds of magic.

"Before all of you were born, the realm to Faerie was sealed and any of the Fair Folk who lived in our realm were forced to choose between staying here with the lives they'd created or returning back to Faerie. That's why so few Fae remain in our realm and why their magic is so prized," Professor Herd said.

I tried to take notes, I tried to focus but my head was spinning. Ben kept finding his way into my thoughts. Especially the image of him on the night we played strip poker. Why had I turned him down? I was seriously regretting that now.

It seemed if I wanted to get in his pants, it was going to have to wait for him to figure out whatever he was dealing with. Which was fine. I'd sworn off men for now, right?

"Portals can be dangerous for even the most experienced magic user and they should never be attempted by a beginner. I'd say usually they require a few centuries of practice before someone is really ready so if anyone ever invites you to join them though a portal, check their credentials," Professor Herd said.

I wrote downportals badin my notebook. This wasn't helpful. I wanted to learn how to get my magic back and unless a portal was going to get me there, I wasn't interested.

That's when it struck me. Ben had shifted. His shifter magic was back. Just like that, it came back to him. How did he do that? What changed? Or had he never lost his magic at all? I had to talk to him. I had to know.

I scribbled random words on the page until the end of class, not even hearing anything. My focus on Ben had shifted too. Instead of wondering about him in inappropriate ways, I had to find out how he'd used his magic.

"Don't forget, we'll have a quiz over portals on Friday so start reviewing your notes right away. Study session Wednesday night after dinner," Professor Herd called.

The sound of zippers and shuffling papers filled the room as everyone prepared to go to their next class. I tossed my stuff in my backpack and turned back to where Ben was sitting but he'd already left. I looked toward the door and he was in the line of students pushing their way out.

"Ben, hold up," I called.

I darted between the desks trying to catch him.

"Ms. Winters, wait please," Professor Herd said as he locked his eyes on mine.

Shit.If I wasn't making eye contact, I could have pretended I hadn't heard him, but I wasn't going to be able to pull that off. Forcing a smile on my lips I walked over to his desk. "Yes, professor?"

He adjusted his glasses, his huge eyes staring back at me. It was unnerving and a chill ran down my spine. Something about him just never sat right with me. He seemed harmless enough. Aside from being old and having no concept of modern reality, he couldn't possibly cause me any damage. He was frail and his face looked like worn leather. His hands were lined with blue veins, clearly visible through his paper-thin skin.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," he said. "I know you were in confinement, which can result in a dulling of a mage's magic. Are you experiencing any symptoms?"

I frowned. Surely the nurse had communicated my total lack of magic to my teachers. "There was more than just the confinement. Did you not hear?"

He adjusted his glasses. "Oh yes, the thief. Very exciting stuff, that. I would have liked to meet one in real life. The way they draw their power from others is fascinating." He paused as his brows lifted. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh," I said.

He leaned against the desk. "How much did she take?"

My throat bobbed. "All of it."

"Fascinating." He leaned closer to me, eyes narrowed as if he could see the remnants of the Thief's magic on me.