
"You two here,"Professor Halifax pointed, "one on each side of her."

The twins moved to either side of me. Zach on my right and Matt on my left. I wasn't sure where she was going with this, but I'd had some luck with lessons so far. If this was going to be the thing that finally unlocked my magic, I would go for it.

"Stones?" Matt asked. "What are those for?"

"Conduction," Professor Halifax said as she set the stones in a circle around the three of us.

"Conducting what?" he asked.

She set down a stone and looked up at him. "Do you want to help her get her magic back or not?"

"I do," he said.

"Then don't question the process," she said.

"There's a process, Matt," Zach said, not hiding the sarcasm.

"Your family might not allow us to fail you, but I can assure you that your mother would not be happy to hear you are not living up to her high standards," she said.

"Can you two just trust her?" I asked. "When we tried this last time, she was able to find some of my magic. I even got a candle to light."

"Without setting yourself on fire?" Zach asked.

"What is with you today?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said.

"He's jealous," Matt said.

"Of what?" I asked.

"You sure spend a lot of time with that incubus," he said.

"So?" I asked. "He's my friend. And you don't have any say over who I spend time with."

"Can we get back to the lover's quarrel later?" Professor Halifax asked.

"There's no lover's quarrel here," Zach and I said at the same time.

Brow furrowed I looked on either side of me, wondering why the twins were being so strange today.

That's when I noticed that there was a blue glow around the three of us. I'd been so busy watching Professor Halifax set up the stones that I didn't even notice that our magic had activated. Was the magic doing something to the twins?

"Go ahead and hold hands," the professor said.

Matt and Zach grabbed my hands and a rush of heat shot up my arms from the point of contact. My skin tingled and I felt more alive than I ever had before. Then the tingling sensation traveled to my core and I sucked in my lower lip, biting down to keep from moaning. What the hell?

"Just as I suspected," Professor Halifax said. "The three of you formed a mage bond. You really shouldn't mess with magic you're not prepared for. I suppose we should be grateful for the fact that you did considering it's the best chance at helping Raven retrieve her magic, but it's going to keep you three bonded for the rest of your lives."

"So it's real?" Matt asked.

"It's real," she said.

"What does that mean for us?" I asked, fighting against the sensual sensation of the twins’ magic caressing me.