
Things seemedto be going up for the first time in a long time. I was still confined to the main building and I was still spending several days a week in private lessons with Professor Halifax. But Ben was speaking to me again. And the twins helped me learn how to demonstrate fire. My magic was finally returning and while Professor Halifax said it wasn't fully back, it was good enough to fake my way through the presentation so I didn't fuck over Matt and Zach's grades.

Plus, tonight there was going to be a rather epic party. All week, Makayla had been telling me how amazing the wolf moon party was. All the shifters would be there. They'd take over the entire common room and flood into the dorm rooms.

I was looking forward to a night of drinking too much and honestly, I was hoping Ben would be there. Now that we were talking again, maybe we could do something besides just talk.

Because to be honest, I was finding him sexier and more irresistible every time he smiled at me. The thought of that smile made me weak in the knees. I had a serious problem.

I should be satisfied with my incubus, but I couldn't keep my head out of the gutter when it came to Ben.

That was the one bad thing about my life right now, though. There hadn't been any time to connect with Luka in real life. My after school and weekend tutoring sessions along with studying for the upcoming exams was making my social life nonexistent.

But tonight was a holiday so there was no homework given. And the party of the year was taking place in my dorm. There was no way I was going to be able to skip it even if I wanted to.

"Ms. Winters, can you tell me the formula for the spell?" Professor Halifax asked.

I shook myself out of my distraction. I'd been so busy thinking about the fun I was going to have tonight that I hadn't heard a word she said.

Zach pushed his notebook over to me and I glanced down at the word he'd circled.

"Two candles, a full moon, and a live fern?" I asked.

She pursed her lips. "It's lucky for you that your lab partner is paying attention."

I swallowed hard and ignored the heat in my cheeks. I could feel the eyes of my classmates boring into the back of my head. "Sorry, Professor."

She shook her head then went back to teaching.

I tried to pay better attention the rest of the period. It was painful. I'd been so focused on being a good student the last couple of months that I'd rarely let go. I needed this party. I needed to feel normal.

Finally, it was time to pack up.

"You want to practice again tonight?" Zach asked.

We'd worked on bringing my magic back every night this week. Every time we melded our magic, I felt a little stronger after. I also felt a deeper connection to both twins after, too. Though, I was trying to ignore that. It was complicated enough as it was balancing the feelings I had for both Luka and Ben.

"Not tonight," I said. "It's the Wolf Moon."

"But you're not a shifter," Matt said.

"All her friends are," Zach said.

"Most of my friends are," I said. "But it is in my dorm so I might as well go. Besides, I haven't been to a party in a long time."

"And you won't be attending tonight, Ms. Winters," Professor Halifax cut in.

I turned around to stare at her, my mouth open, ready to protest.

"Your magic is not fully functioning yet and Dr. Green wants you ready to take the practice trials before Yule. You don't have time to go to a party." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Surely one night off won't kill me," I said.

"Won't it?" she asked. "I'm not the one who has a thief hunting me."

I scowled. She had me there. It was irresponsible of me to go to a party when the alternative was staying alive.Fuck. "Fine."