"Yeah, sorry," he said.

"Today, let's focus on trying to find your magic and coax it out. Once we find it, we can see if we can learn more about it," I suggested.

"Alright," she said, extending her hands on either side.

I pushed down the jealous thoughts as Matt took hold of her and grabbed his other hand, not letting go of hers.

"Close your eyes," I said. "Deep breaths."

I closed my eyes and sent my magic toward Raven, urging it to find hers and connect us the way it had last time. I didn't have to wait long.

Tiny pinpricks of pain traveled up my arm. They were so sudden and intense that I nearly cried out. None of them stayed in one place long enough to cause lingering pain but they were annoying. Sort of like when your foot falls asleep. Though, instead of staying in one area, the pain traveled up my arm, across my shoulders and down my back.

As the pain eased, I could feel her. It was impossible to explain, but there was something there that wasn't just my magic. It called to me, urging me toward it. Internally, I encouraged my magic to go to it.

A rush of overwhelming emotion surged through me as if I'd been given a shot of adrenaline after jumping off a cliff. It was surprise mixed with fear and awe. I couldn't fully explain it, but I wanted it. I craved it.

Then, just as quickly as it had arrived, it left, and Raven tugged her hand away breaking the connection.

I looked over at her. She was gasping for breath and her hair was standing on edge as if she'd walked through a static field. Her eyes were wide and her full lips were parted. I never wanted to tear someone's clothes off more.

"What the hell was that?" Matt asked. "Did you feel that?"

"I don't know what happened. It was right there. I could feel my magic. It was right there and then it was gone." Raven's brow furrowed and I was pretty sure I could see tears pooling in her eyes.

"I felt something," I said. "It was like it was calling to me."

"More like dragging me in," Matt said. "Was that your magic?"

"I think so," she said. "Maybe."

"Try to make fire," I said.

"I don't know," she said. "That didn't go so well for me last time."

"We found your magic," Matt said. "It's still there or it's coming back or something. You should try it."

She nodded and then extended her hand, going through the motions of the trick we'd taught her to make fire.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then a tiny blue flame flickered to life in her palm.

I leaned closer to her. "Blue."

She looked up at me, locking those green eyes on me. I felt like my insides turned to goo. She could throw that fire at me and I wouldn't even move away from her. She had me completely under her spell. I would do anything to be with her.

"Your magic is still in there," Matt said.

She tore her gaze off me and closed her hand, extinguishing the flame. "It doesn't feel the same as it did before."

"It's probably still healing," I said. "We can try again." All I wanted to do was touch her. Even if it was just holding her hand as we attempted a magic meld. I just needed her. Any part of her would do. For now.

"No," Matt said. "We're lucky nothing bad happened. You need to recover. We can try again later."

Raven stood and I quickly got to my feet. I wanted to grab her and drag her to my bed.

"Thank you both," she said. "Hopefully I'll be fixed by Friday when we give our presentation."

"Don't worry about that," I said. "We'll be fine."