
The next twoweeks flew by as I tried to make good on my agreement with Dr. Green. I knew he was still keeping things from me, but I had a feeling he was on my side. And I couldn't say that of everyone.

My days were the same. Meals with Makayla and the other shifters while Ben was who knew where. Luka was actually fitting in with them after the first few days. They opened up around him now, having our usual conversations about the drama going on at school or which teachers were giving pop quizzes.

Even gym had been tolerable. I couldn't prove it, but based on the way Coach Miller avoided eye contact with me, I was pretty sure someone said something to him. My money was on Dr. Green.

The highlight of every day was my time in the library with Luka. Each day, we poured through a new book, taking notes of anything that might give us any clues as to what the thief's magic had done to me.

So far, I'd learned that thieves were only second in their power to those with time magic. Which made sense why one of them was after me. Their magic was largely unstudied in formal studies and most of the books gave us summaries and observations. Some of them dating back hundreds of years.

All creatures seemed to fear thieves. They were capable of removing even the smallest amount of magic. And as I'd already learned from Ben, they could remove a shifter's ability to shift.

"Did you see this part?" Luka asked, pushing the latest book toward me, his finger pointing to a passage in the middle of the page.

I tugged the book closer and read where he was pointing. "When a thief removes the magic of a demon, the creature will be prevented from ever transitioning between realms."

I looked up at Luka. "Does that mean dreams?"

"Maybe," he said. "But it could also mean between the other realms. Like the underworld."

"Like Hell?" I asked. Luka had been pretty private about his life outside of school and I wasn't sure how much he wanted to talk about.

"Yes, that's one of the names," he said.

"Do you travel there?" I asked, fascinated by the topic. When he visited my dreams, it felt so real. Was that what it felt like to visit Hell, too?

"Every year," he said. "You know how humans visit family for Christmas?"

I nodded. "I never really celebrated Christmas, but I knew a lot of others who traveled."

"That's sort of what it's like for us around the Solstice. We visit every year to see anyone who is locked in that realm," he said. "But to be honest, I never really worried about how they got there. I wonder if anyone in there was trapped by a thief."

"Wouldn't they get stuck in our realm?" I asked.

"Not sure," he said. "You can send a demon to hell with certain spells. They aren't pretty and they have a high cost to the caster, but it's possible."

I smirked. "So, I could send you to hell?"

He elbowed me playfully. "You'll have to get your magic back first."

"You're funny," I said.

He closed up the book. "Come on, class is about over, and I have to run back to my room before lunch."

I grabbed the book. "I'll take this to my room and meet you at lunch."

He grinned. "Want me to go with you to your room?"

"So polite," I said as I stood. "But no, thanks. I got it."

"You say the word, and I'll be there," he said, as he did almost every day.

"I know," I said as I turned away from him.

I felt bad because I wasn't sure why I kept turning him down. I liked Luka. I wanted to have sex with him. For real, in the real-world sex. Not just in my dreams. A rush of heat spread low in my belly at the thought of our last dream encounter. It had been a while, but like he said, he'd respected my boundaries.