
Dr. Green stoodoutside his office when I arrived which totally threw me off guard. From what I knew of him so far, he loved that office. I wondered if him standing out here meant that he'd been kicked out by my parole officer or if something else was going on. Was he going to let me be alone with this person? After what happened with the last official visitor I had, I didn't trust anyone.

"Ms. Winters." Dr. Green inclined his chin. His fangs were showing clearly today over the slight scowl on his face. I had to hope that it was better than a full scowl.

"Dr. Green," I said.

He opened the door and gestured for me to enter. I followed and after taking a few steps, I stopped walking to take in the large man sitting at Dr. Green's desk.

The visitor was a pale, balding man with a red face and a bulbous nose. He had squinty eyes so pale blue they were nearly white. I balled my hands into fists, forcing myself to go tense rather than shudder at the odd, uncomfortable feeling the stranger gave me.

The man, if he was a man, slid a pair of circular wire rimmed glasses onto his face. He smiled, showing a row of sharp, yellow teeth. He definitely wasn't human.

"Ms. Winters, how lovely of you to join us," he said with a wheeze.

"Hello," I said, doing my best to be polite.

"Come in, please," the man said.

I inched toward him, surprised that he didn't stand to greet me. My aunt may have been shit in terms of raising me but at least I'd learned basic etiquette over the years spent in public school thanks to a few well meaning, old school teachers.

Once I was in front of the desk, I extended my hand. "Raven Winters."

The man behind the desk glared at my hand as if it were something dirty. "Have a seat, Ms. Winters."

I lowered my hand and glanced back at Dr. Green for confirmation. Go figure I looked to the massive demon with the horns on his head for comfort. When I'm telling my friends about this later, I'll be sure to let them know that I'd rather be spooning Dr. Green in a twin bed than sitting in a chair across the desk from this - whatever he was.

Dr. Green nodded.

Slowly, I took a seat in one of the two empty chairs in front of Dr. Green's desk. I looked over at the tree clock and noticed that it now had several bright orange leaves on its branches. I was sure it had been bare of leaves before.

"You may go, Dr. Green," the stranger said.

"No, I'll stay," he said.

"That's not necessary."

"Under the articles of this institution, I am the legal guardian of all students under my care until they graduate or reach the age of maturity, whichever comes first. Given that, I am permitted to be present at any and all meetings that pertain to their wellbeing."

The red-faced man's brow furrowed, and I could see perspiration beading on his shiny head. He was flustered by Dr. Green and he didn't want him in here. I wanted to give Dr. Green a high five. Something told me this man was rarely made to feel uncomfortable and rather enjoyed being the one to do it to others.

I pressed my lips together, trying to avoid the smile forcing its way out.

"Fine, you may stay," he said. "Sit."

To my surprise, Dr. Green took the seat next to mine. He barely fit in the chair, his hips expanding beyond the seat and his knees nearly up in his chest. It was easy to forget just how large he was compared to the human men I'd grown up with. Dr. Green wasn't fat by any means, he was just twice the size of a normal human man.

"Well, now that that's settled," the stranger said. "We should get to business." He looked at me as he opened a folder in front of him.

"Raven Winters, underage mage, student at the Academy of the Elites. Classified as a fire elemental mage. Is that correct?"

"Yes, I think," I said.

Dr. Green cleared his throat. It was as if he was telling me not to argue.

"I mean, yes," I said. "Sorry, I'm nervous. Last time I met someone official they tried to kill me." I laughed.