
Lukaand I walked into the cafeteria together and were barely in when I noticed we were getting stares from some of our classmates.

"Hey look, the incubus has a new favorite," someone called.

I glanced over to see one of the sirens just as she cat-called us. "Jealous?"

She grinned. "Oh, sweetie, we've all sampled that. And trust me, you can do better."

"Ouch, Delores," Luka called. "That's not what your mom said."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "Seriously? A mom joke?" I glanced at Luka. "It was a joke, right?"

He laughed. "Yeah, it was a joke. Delores and I go way back. She's not as bad as she comes across. And no, I've never actually fucked her. We have made out a few times when we were drunk."

"You know, you don't have to give me your sexual history," I said. "We're not a couple and to be honest, I don't really want to know anyway."

I navigated toward my usual table with the shifters and set my tray down next to Makayla.

"How was your first day back?" She asked.

"Fine so far." I turned to see Luka standing behind me, his tray in his hands. "You going to sit?"

"We're doing this now?" Starla asked. "We're friends with the incubus?"

"Hey, you're friends with a mage, aren't you?" I asked.

"Any friend of Raven's is welcome here," Makayla said. "Right?"

"Sure," Jamal said through a mouth full of food.

"They're not so bad," I said to Luka.

He set his tray down next to mine and took one of the plastic circles that barely passed for seats at the round lunch table.

"I always wondered if incubi ate real food," Jessica said. "Or if sex was enough."

"Sex just powers our magic," Luka said. "We need food to live and stuff."

"See, not much different than us," I said.

"What drives a mage's magic?" Jamal asked.

"You know, I have no idea," I said, feeling stupid. It seemed like a simple question, something I should know considering I was a mage. But once again, I was reminded of how little I knew despite the fact that I'd now been here a while.

"No Ben again?" I asked, changing the subject. Makayla knew most of the details about my past, but nobody else did.

"He's probably at the gym." Jamal stood, picking up his now empty tray. "And I really should be too. Only a couple months till the Wolf Moon. Gotta bulk up before the big night."

"Wolf Moon?" I asked.

Jamal shook his head. "You have so much to learn, little mage."

"I got this. You go lift those weights. I can still see some of your neck so you're not full Coach Miller level of beefcake yet," Makayla said.

Jessica lifted her shoulders to her ears and put on her best angry Coach Miller expression. "You dumbasses have no discipline. You're all soft."