“You’re the new female alpha, aren’t you?” she asked, her empty eyes locked on me. “I wondered when you’d visit me.”

I looked around, unsure if she was speaking to me despite the eye contact. “Are you talking to me?”

“No, to the other rudely staring woman,” she bit back.

I lowered my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m used to it,” she said with a grin. “I just like fucking with people.”

“Are you blind?” I asked. “Sorry, that’s probably rude to ask.”

“It’s fine,” she said. “I am blind, but not in the way you usually think. I can see with my magic. It’s not the same and I miss some details from time to time, but it works well enough for me.”

“Is that why they sent you away?” I asked.

“Cedar Coven doesn’t like anyone who might make them look weak,” she said with disgust. “Bunch of self-righteous assholes.”

I liked her. “Their loss.”

“Wait, you were part of the Cedar Coven?” Malcom asked.

“Yeah, what’s it to you?” she asked.

“Same group who locked in your pack.” Malcom lifted his chin in my direction.

“I know where you’re going with that but the answer, for now, is no. I’m not going to break any old wards,” she said.

“I suppose we’d have to pay you,” Kyle said.

“Oh, no, I’d tear down those wards for free just to fuck with those jerks who kicked me out. But we’ve got bigger problems, don’t we?” she said.

“Alec.” Why had we not pushed that the second we saw her? I felt awful for getting sidetracked. “He was given a huge dose of the toxin. He’s got a fever and he’s been out since yesterday. Can you help?”

She swept her arm toward a table that was mostly empty. “Put him down, I’ll see what I can do.”