“We only have one bottle of water left.” Sheila handed it to me. “Might be better to see if you can get him to drink. Hopefully, the witch can help speed the healing.”

I hated feeling so helpless. I pulled down Alec’s jaw and poured a tiny bit of water in his mouth, then I lifted his head, cradling it in my arms. He swallowed on reflex, which had to be a good sign, right?

I took a quick drink of the water, then passed it to Malcom. Everyone had a sip before Sheila put it back away.

“Well, the good news is we do have some beef jerky,” Malcom said. “The bad news is that it’s Greta’s jerky.”

Sheila groaned. “It’s food, barely.”

Malcom passed it around and as soon as I bit into the chunk of meat, I knew why they’d been critical of it. I might as well have been eating rocks.

“It helps if you suck on it a while,” Malcom said.

“Taste isn’t bad,” Kyle said.

“Only because we’re starving,” Sheila said.

I managed to eat my share, then we each had another sip of water.

“I’ll take first watch,” Malcom offered.

“No, you and Kyle should sleep,” I said. “You two carried Alec all day and we’ll need you to do it again if we have to bug out. Sheila and I will take first watch.”

“Alright,” he said without hesitation.

“You sure, Lola? I could stay up with Sheila,” Kyle offered. “We don’t both need to sleep at the same time.”

“I’m sure,” I said.

“You doing okay? I know seeing Tyler had to be hard for you,” Kyle said.

“I’ll be better when this whole mess is over and Tyler is out of the picture forever,” I said.