“Lola, I believe him,” Malcom said.

I looked over at him, surprised to see he looked genuine. “You do?

Malcom nodded. “I think maybe you’re supposed to help him.”

“And just like that, your future is stronger,” Star said.

“That’s right, you can read the future.” I looked at her, hopeful that she could give me some kind of guidance.

“You have choices,” she reminded me. “Nothing is set in stone.” She lifted her chin toward Malcom. “His was looking bleak, but it just changed. There’s hope there now.”

“Well, fuck,” I said. “Does that mean if I don’t help him something bad will happen to Malcom?”

Star shrugged.

I glanced over at Kyle. “What do you think?”

“The new shifter king would be a hell of an ally,” he said.

I looked back at the mountain of man in front of me. He was disheveled and worn down. While his size was intimidating, everything else showed that he’d been neglected for a long while.

“You’re asking a lot of me,” I said. “You’re asking that I trust you.”

He took a few steps closer to Alec and extended his arm. “Take the blood.” Spencer looked back to me. “Use it anytime. No strings attached. But give me a chance.”

“If you’re in, I’m in,” Malcom said.

“I have a needle and a vial,” Star offered.

“Do it,” Alec said.

“Get enough for two,” I said.

I waited until Star filled the vail with Spencer’s blood. The room was deathly silent. Everyone’s attention was fixed on me, waiting to hear what I’d say.

Star stuck a bright pink band-aid on Spencer’s arm, then she nodded to me. She had what she needed. If we did the spell again, it would work, and both Malcom and I would be free of his claim.

“Alright.” I said. “But as soon as you break my trust, I’m out.”

I had a bad feeling about this, but it wasn’t like things could get much worse, could they?