My whole body tensed like a spring as I threw the door open. Without thinking, I exploded forward, expecting to have to run through Kyle. I only got a few steps before I slammed right into Tyler’s broad chest and fell to the ground.

“I thought you’d try something like this,” Tyler said. “Told you taking her clothes wasn’t enough to stop her. Though I have to admit, I thought you’d be streaking naked down the hall.”

I clutched the towel tighter around me and tried to regain some of my dignity. “You know I don’t want this. Why keep pushing me? Just let me go.”

“We’ve been through this, Lola. And you’re out of time. I will claim you as mine tonight. I’d much rather you agree to it. I think you might even enjoy yourself.” He offered his hand and I turned away from him.

Pushing myself from the ground, I held the towel tight and glared at him as best I could. “I will never stop fighting you. Even if you managed to complete the bond, you’ll never have my heart or my submission.”

“Tyler, can’t you give her a little more time? The bond will draw her to you if you just…”

“Enough, Kyle,” Tyler said, cutting him off. “I’m done being patient.”

“This is you being patient?” I scoffed.

“Back to your room. You can wait there for me,” Tyler said.

I looked past him and noticed there wasn’t anyone else in the hall. I had to try one more time. Quickly, I stepped to the side then started running.

Tyler growled and managed to grab hold of the towel, pulling me back. I let go of the towel, risking being naked for a chance at escape. Arms pumping, I raced down the hall and flew down the steps, taking them as fast as possible.

My eyes widened when I emerged into the living room. Ace and six other adult shifter males rose from their places on the couch and chairs. I froze and assessed the room. The front door was through the living room, beyond this gathering of shifters. To my right, I could see the kitchen and the back door. It looked like the safer shot.

I moved forward, heart racing as my bare feet pounded against the wood floor. My fingers brushed the doorknob just as a pair of strong arms pulled me down.

Fighting tears, I hit the ground hard, my chin making contact with the floor. Shooting pain spread up my jaw and I took a sharp breath in to prevent from screaming. Tears streamed down my face but I ignored them. I would deal with the pain later. Instantly, I started kicking and fighting, clawing my way toward the exit. I was so close.

Ace had a hold of me, he grunted and growled as he pinned me down. “Stop fighting, you little bitch.”

“Hold her down, Ace,” one of the others called.

“Girl’s got a wild streak,” another said.

“Let her go, Dad!” Tyler’s voice cut over the grunts and shouts.

Ace stopped squeezing me for a moment, then resumed his full hold.

Tyler growled. A strange sensation snaked its way through my body and every part of me felt alert. I tensed, reacting to his tone. It wasn’t fear exactly, but that one sound had grabbed my full attention.

“Let. Her. Go.” Tyler’s words were powerful. Even his father had to feel it because he eased his grip.

I stayed on the floor, face down, my mind racing. I was outnumbered and the chances of me making my way through the door were pretty much non-existent. Before I could decide what my next move should be, the pressure of Ace’s grip released and I heard the distinct sound of a fist against someone.

Startled, I managed to scramble away. Two large men were blocking the door, but my attention went right to the fight going on in front of me.

Tyler and Ace were at each other’s throats. Tyler got a blow in his dad’s jaw, but Ace hardly seemed to feel it. Without hesitation, Ace shoved Tyler into a bookcase. The whole shelf rattled and books came crashing down around him. My heart hammered against my ribs and icy fear squeezed my chest. “Tyler!”

Instinct took over and I ran toward him, pushing him away from the bookshelf before it crushed him. We landed on the ground, me on top of him, panting and naked.

Ace grabbed my arm and hauled me off Tyler, pulling me up against him. I twisted, trying to break his grip. He held me fast but I wasn’t going to go easy. Pulling back my fist, I landed a punch on the older man’s cheek. My knuckles felt like they’d been broken and I hissed in pain.Fuck.Punching someone was a lot more painful than I thought it would be.

He growled, then landed an uppercut under my chin. My head lolled back and my vision went blurry. I could vaguely hear screaming and chaos but everything sounded like it was coming from very far away. As if I was at the end of a long tunnel.

When he threw me to the ground, I wasn’t prepared, but I managed to land on my hands and knees. My mouth was full of blood and I spit it out on the floor under me, doing my best not to swallow it all. My stomach lurched at the sight of all the red on the floor. Between the aching pain and the taste of blood, I knew that punch had done some serious damage.

“Enough!” Tyler dropped to his knees next to me. His fingertips gently touched my cheek. “Are you okay?”