Had he been so threatened by a woman with the mark of the alpha that he’d turned me over? The hypocrite had a mark of his own that he did nothing with. He refused to rise up and take control and be the alpha he was born to be.

Was I doing the same thing?

No. We weren’t the same. I didn’t want anything to do with Wolf Creek. The Moon Goddess was wrong to give me this mark. It was some kind of cruel joke. Just like the fates when they’d placed me with Tyler. It was another way of punishing me for something I didn’t do. Maybe my family line really was cursed. Sure, I’d been able to shift once. But maybe that wasn’t the only piece of the curse. Maybe we were given the things we wanted least. For any other shifter, a true mate was a blessing. Shit, even the mark of the alpha would be welcomed by anyone. Sure, it didn’t happen for women, but a stronger woman would embrace it.

For me, this mark was a death sentence.

Ace would kill me on sight if he saw it. I was a threat, and I knew it.

So I’d run with the towel.

Wrapping it around me as best I could, I took a deep breath and set my hand on the doorknob. I was either headed to escape or things were about to get a whole lot worse for me.