“Because you aren’t meant to be feral. You need community, family, love. You were never going to be happy at camp,” he said. “And not to be dramatic, but you’re in danger because of who your dad is.”

“You know nothing about me,” I said. “And I don’t believe you about any danger. Why would you suddenly care about that? You sent me to a den of vipers without a second thought.”

“I know you better than you think and I hate myself for what I did, but I did what I had to,” he said.

“I trusted you and you used me,” I hissed.

“I didn’t have a choice. We both played our roles,” he said.

“Don’t you dare tell me you did all this to help me or some shit,” I accused.

“Then I won’t say that. I can’t change the past,” he said.

“You sound really broken up over it,” I said.

“You two can fuck and make up later,” Kyle said. “If we’re going to have any chance at getting away alive, we need to go now.”

“That is never going to happen,” I assured them. “There is nothing going on between us.”

“I thought you enjoyed our night together,” Alec said.

“You need to stop talking,” I warned.

“Fine, no fucking. Ripping each other’s throats out it is. But later. Not now,” Kyle said.

I knew he was right. Wolf Creek would send shifters after us. And if Tyler was fit enough to shift, he’d scent me without much effort.

“If you screw us over, I will ruin your life.” I glared at Alec. Just seeing him sent all kinds of emotions tumbling through me. I hated what he did to me. But I knew the two of us would be connected for the rest of our lives. It wasn’t something that sat well with me right now. I needed to get away from him and get him out of my head.

“I really am sorry for what I did to you, Lola,” Alec said. “I wish there had been another way.”

“Just show me where your car is.” I didn’t want his apologies. The hurt was too deep to heal.