My mind was racing as I took the long way back to the barn to avoid running into anyone. I was wanted in my hometown, despite the fact that I wasn’t the one who tried to kill anyone.

Fucking figured.

The book I was carrying might be worth millions, but at this point, I didn’t care about anything other than Wolf Creek getting what was coming to them. They already had the recipe for the toxin, but they were the only pack with that knowledge. I knew it was an awful drug, but maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if the playing field was leveled.

I arrived at the clearing much faster than I expected. Grateful for no run-ins with locals on my walk, I crept around, searching for Alec. He wasn’t outside where I’d left him, but at least I didn’t see any signs of anyone else. He must have taken his chances inside the broken down barn. I wondered if someone had come by here.

For a moment, I worried that he’d been caught and I picked up the pace, jogging over to the barn. I walked around the dilapidated building, peeking into the holes in the walls. “Alec?” I whispered as loud as I dared.

After a full circle around the barn, I didn’t see any signs of people. “Alec?” I called his name a little louder.

Where was he?

“Over here,” he called.

I let out a relived breath when I saw him walking toward me. He was coming from the direction of the woods. It probably was a safer place to hide than the crumbling building.

“Did you get it?” he asked.

I pulled the journal out of my waistband. “She warned me a few times about how dangerous this is.”

“Your mom saw you?” he asked.

“I didn’t tell her anything,” I assured him. “I just asked for the book.”

“And she handed it over, just like that?” He sounded surprised.

“Look, do you want this or not? It wasn’t a pleasant meeting with my mom and I’d rather not relive it right now when we have more important things to do.”

“You’re right.” He took the book from me. “Thank you for doing this.”

He slid the book into his own waistband and covered it with his shirt.

“What’s next? How do we break the bond?” I asked.

I noticed movement and looked toward the woods. Four figures were walking toward us. “Oh, shit. They know we’re here.”

I grabbed Alec’s hand and pulled, trying to run in the opposite direction but Alec held me fast.

“What are you doing? We have to run,” I said.

Alec tightened his grip, holding me in place.


I looked behind him and could make out Ace, Tyler, Kyle, and Julian. They were nearly on us and if I had any shot at getting away, I had to go now.

I pulled, trying to break Alec’s grip, but he was far stronger than me. “Let me go, Alec.”

“I’m sorry, Lola.” He pulled me toward him and wrapped both his arms around my chest. I was facing away from him, pinned against him.

“Alec, what are you doing? Let me go, now!” I fought against him, trying to break his hold on me. He didn’t budge. I tried kicking, but I wasn’t at the right angle to hit anything.

Desperate to get free, I dug my fingernails into his arms. He grunted, but didn’t release his grip.

Ace, Tyler, Julian, and Kyle stopped in front of us. Each of them wearing matching victorious smiles.