When I stepped into my tent, I discovered I wasn’t alone. Alec stood when I entered. “How’s the soul searching going?”

“I wasn’t under the impression that Greta was sharing the process with you,” I said.

“There’s not a whole lot that happens here that I don’t know about,” he said.

“Then you already know the answer to your question.”

“True. Which is why I thought I’d see if I could help,” he offered.

“Where have you been all week?” I asked. “I could have used the help.”

“I’m afraid I had to deal with some things away from camp,” he said.

“Any of it having to do with me?”

“Yes,” he said. “Your pack is out hunting you. We can’t wait until the full moon. We’ll have to go while they’re weaker.”

“When?” I asked.

“We’ll go tomorrow.”

My heart raced. I wasn’t ready. I couldn’t shift and I wasn’t mentally prepared to face them. “I can’t.”

“You have no choice,” he said. “If we play this right, you won’t even have to see him if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“How do we do it?” I asked. “Break the bond, I mean.”

“I have a plan, you’re going to have to trust me,” he said.

It wasn’t the first time he’d asked me to trust him. He still hadn’t earned my trust. Not fully, anyway. Though, he had saved my life and he was trying to help me. “You still want me to look for that information?”

He nodded.

“What if I can’t find anything?” I asked.

“You will.” He sounded totally confident.

“You aren’t going to tell me what you’re doing with it, are you?” I asked.

“I can’t,” he said “It’s too risky. Nobody knows about this. I’m already involving you more than I should. I’m trusting that you won’t tell anyone about this.”

Flutters filled my chest. Did it really matter what he was doing with the information? Wolf Creek already had the toxin in their possession. How much worse could I make things? The rage I felt when I left was creeping back in and to my surprise, my wolf wasn’t fighting me.

Tyler’s face flashed in my memory and I felt my wolf stir. But this time, she wasn’t bringing a sense of guilt with her. I swore I could feel her anger magnifying my own.

Yes. Now you understand why we have to do this.I had to break free of Tyler’s grip and of my past. I couldn’t hold on to Wolf Creek. I needed to let it all go.

That’s when I realized I’d been asking the wrong questions.

“I have to be honest, I don’t want that toxin being used against innocent people. It shouldn’t exist. You and I both know that.”

He took a step toward me. “I want to tell you, I do. But if you know, you’re going to be in far too deep.”

“I don’t want to know everything. But I want you to answer one question for me.”

“Go ahead,” he said.