She’s learning to be her own hero and mine. I can’t imagine battling this crazy world without her.
We get into the bar.
“Hey!” Cassie’s arm goes up in the air. “We’re over here!”
I tap Lix on the chest, and we head to the table. My eyes lock onto Harper’s. She gives me a cheeky smile.
“Hi,” Harper says, holding her sexy grin. “Thanks for coming. Oh!” She turns to the woman to her left. “You remember Lisa? She works at the center.”
“Yeah.” I break my connection with Harper to offer the woman a smile.
Lisa points at Lix and me. “You two were at the center when that crazy guy with the gun was there?”
“Yep.” Lix nods. “I’m Lix.” He shoves out his hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Lisa reaches out to take Lix’s welcoming gesture. “And thanks for showing up when you did.”
“It was no problem.” Lix winks.
My brother, always the flirt. I chuckle.
“Hey!” Cassie jumps up from her seat. “Who’s ready for another round?”
“Not me.” Lisa taps the table. “It’s time for me to go.”
“Don’t go,” Harper says with a hint of whining in her tone.
“I must.” Lisa touches Harper on the shoulder. “It’s getting late.”
“Do you need a ride home?” I offer.
“No, thanks.” Lisa stands. “I don’t drink. I’m a recovering alcoholic,” she says with no shame or excuse. She reaches over and hugs Harper. “Congratulations again on the new job. Don’t be a stranger.” She pulls back with a gentle smile.
Harper throws a wavering hand in the air. “I’m not going anywhere. I plan on still volunteering at the center.”
“Great. Nice to meet you all, and have a good night.” Lisa waves before making her way to the door.
“Bye,” Cassie says, turning back to us and gesturing with her head at the bar. “Anyone?”
“I’ll stick around for one,” Lix says, raising his brows at Harper and me.
I glance at Harper’s glossy eyes and tipsy balancing act in the seat.
“I think we’re going to head out.” I wink at my little brother.
“Okay.” Lix shrugs before making his way to the bar with Cassie.
“It’s early!” Harper pouts.
Well, this is something new. Harper drunk. It’s a first for me. She’s whiney but cute.
“Yeah.” I bend down close to her beautiful rosy face. “And I’m taking you home.”
She looks at her drink, stirring it with her straw. “Okay. Let me finish this, and then we can go.”
I set my palm on the table. “What is it?”
“It’s a Texas Hurricane.” Her bright golden eyes blink at me. “Kind of like you.”