Fuck. Is she going to cry? I wrap my arms around her and pull her against my chest as the elevator doors close behind us.

The ding echoes into the silent somber room.

Her body shakes, and her breathing speeds up as she struggles not to accompany any sound with her tears.I want to ask what’s going on. Instead, I hold her tight.

“It’s okay.” I run a hand down her hair. “Just let it out.” I kiss her on the top of her head, prepared to hold her for as long as she needs.

A few minutes beat by. She sniffles and pushes back from me. She stares at the floor, hugging herself as I found her in the elevator.

What the fuck? What happened? I’m beginning to freak out but need to keep my cool. Something has got her upset. Something big. I’ve never seen her like this before.

“She’s m-my m-mother,” she whispers to the floor.


“Willa.” Her large, red eyes lift to mine, face ravaged with despair. “She’s my mother. She, she…just told me. All these years, she l-lied to me. M-My,” she stutters. “My fa-father is Roney.”

“Like from the story?”

“Yes. The man who raised me he’s my uncle. Aunt Willa’s brother. My mother’s brother.” She throws her hand in the air. “Whoever the fuck she is. She gave me to him after I was born.”

“It’s okay.” I go to touch her.

“It’s not fucking okay!” She pulls back from me, shaking all over.

I carve my hand through my hair. Confused and afraid to say something else wrong. Obviously, like me, she’s still processing the news.

“She gave me away. Sh-She didn’t want me!”

“That’s not true. Willa loves you,” I say, confident it’s the truth.

“When she left her husband and came to Florida, she didn’t know she was pr-pregnant,” she says, ignoring my words as if in shock. “She was afraid he’d find her and take me away. That’s the excuse she gave me. That’s why she did it. Th-That’s what she said.”

“It makes sense.” I reach my hand out to her.

“No!” She pushes me away again with all the hurt inside her. “Let me feel this! I’m pissed.” She clenches her hand. “I’m so fucking pissed! She’s my mother, and she pawned me off.”

“Harper.” My shoulders drop, recognizing her suffering. Nothing I say is going to make it go away. She needs to sort this out. Come to terms with the news and deal with it how she sees fit. It’s her life. As much as I want to help her, I can’t tell her how to handle this.

“She gave me away!”

“Babe.” I lower my tone. “She wanted to keep you safe like the woman and her child, the one you picked up the other night. Willa was terrified that your father would find her. Find you. You gotta believe that.”

“No!” Her face hardens.

“She was protecting you.”

“No!” She brushes off the tears from her reddened face.

“You know it, Harper. You’re just too upset, too pissed, and in shock. After some time, you’ll come to realize it. Please.” I touch her arm, trying to break through to her.

She pushes my hand away. “Stop!” Her head shakes. “Stop defending her!” She throws her hands in the air. “I shouldn’t have come back. I knew it. This was wrong. She was right to give me away. I don’t belong here.”

I grab her arms and pull her to me, not giving her the chance to run. “You belong here. You belong with Willa, and you belong with me.” I gaze down into her eyes, though they are still blinded by anger. “This is your home.”

“I don’t have a fucking home! Don’t you get it? My father, uncle, the man who raised me, left me. My mother abandoned me. And Tyler—” Her lips thin. “You’ll leave too!”

“No.” My hands tighten on her arms. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here. I’ll always be here for you.” I lean down close, hoping to reach her. “Always.”