“And we are all for the better because of it, and now she’s off meeting our mom.” I tilt my head, squinting at him. “And Mom agreed to it?”

“It took some convincing, but yeah.” He chuckles.

“I guess it’s better than waiting eight years for Mom to be released.”

“We’re going to get her out before then.” He scowls at me for insinuating otherwise. “Sofia is looking into things. Thinks there might be some new evidence.”


He nods. “Nothing concrete, but I’ll keep you in the loop when I know for sure.”

His cell rings, and he answers it. “Yeah… Where…? Okay, send it to me. I should be there in thirty.” He shoves his cell into his back pocket. “I gotta head out,” he says, not making eye contact.

“Was that a Julia call?”

“Don’t worry about it.” He waves me off.

“Brett.” I sigh. “I’ll go. It’s been two months.” My brothers have been skipping my turn for the escorts. They haven’t even told me when we get a call. “I’m good.”

He stares at me for a few seconds. “I don’t know.” He shakes his head. “Finding Emily dead messed with your head. You blamed yourself, and it wasn’t your fault, Cole.”

I walk toward him. “I’m good. Really.” I hand the piece of wood to him. “I’ve got it.” I look him in the eyes. “I need to do this. It’s time.”

He takes the wood and smacks it against his hand, studying me for a few more seconds through the concerned eyes of a big brother.

“Send me the location and info.” I head out the door, not waiting for his approval. I stopped doing that years ago.

Twenty minutes later, I pull up to the house. I take one last look at my cell of the couple’s photo. They always look so happy together, but I know the truth. I lived in a home filled with lies, bruises, fear, and tears.

I grab my arsenal and head to the house.

The sun is shining, and it’s quiet. There’s no one around. I rap my knuckles on the door.

I hold my breath, waiting for it to be answered.

No one did at Emily’s. I let myself in, but I don’t want to do that now. I’d rather deal with an aggressive abuser or breathing victim.

It opens. I release my breath.

Large bloodshot eyes meet mine. From her cut lip to the red shiner on her left cheek, I feel the savage hits that caused them in my gut.

My hands curl into fists.

I’m ready to meet the fucker.

“Amanda? I’m your escort.”

She looks down the street, then back at me. “Are you alone?”


She opens the door and steps back into the living room. “He’s not here but could be back any minute.”

“Don’t worry about him. If he comes back, I’ll deal with it.” I enter the home. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” She presses a trembling hand to her forehead. “I just have to get out of here.” She turns around. “I’m almost ready. I need a couple of minutes,” she says, dropping her cell on the coffee table.

She walks down the hallway and disappears through a door.