Maybe I was wrong. Perhaps she’s afraid to be with me because of the escort service. Fearful of falling for me and then losing me. There’s no doubt about it. She’s been hurt before. How selfish am I to ask her to put her trust in me? To believe that I will always return to her after every escort. When the truth is, I might not. What we do is dangerous. There are no guarantees.

I’ve witnessed enough death to know that there is no guarantee in life either. I also know I will not stop living because of it. But am I wrong to ask her to do the same?

This is still new. I can stop it. I should stop it. Fuck. I am being selfish. I have to let her go.

I caress her hair. “Let’s go to bed.”

She shifts back and looks up at me. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“Yes. I do. I’m not asking for anything else. I just want you to hold me.”

I brush the hair back from her face. “I can do that,” I say with a small smile.

“Thank you.”

Yeah, asshole. You’re off to a good start letting her go.

Chapter 28

I don’t know what would’ve happened if Cole and Lix hadn’t shown up today. They’re a team. All the Daxon brothers function as one, and I experienced that today. Things could've gone differently if they weren’t there, and the police came storming in. Someone could’ve gotten hurt or killed.

I lie in bed on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. So virile and indestructible. Deep down, I know that’s not true. Anyone can break or worse. Cole included. Although he portrays a hero’s aptitude, every hero has his kryptonite.

I need to find out what Cole’s is. What scares him? What’s his weakness?


“Mmm, yeah,” he says, sounding half asleep.

“Why won’t you have sex with me? What are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid,” he replies, sounding more awake.

“Well, then what is it?” I push up and look at him through the dimly lit room. “You said you’ve had sex with strangers before and enjoyed it. What’s the problem here?”

“Is this really what you want to talk about after what happened today?”

“Yes.” I sit up.

“Err.” He scrubs a hand over his face and drops it onto the mattress with a sigh. “It’s why you want to have sex with me.”

“Because I’m horny?”

“No. You want sex as a distraction.”

I inspect him for a second, trying to make sense of what he’s saying to me. I know what my problem is when it comes to intimacy—Tyler. So maybe… “What’s her name?”


“The woman who messed you up.”

He drops his head back and closes his eyes. “It wasn’t a woman who messed me up.”

“I don’t believe that.”

His head rises. His eyes meet mine. “She was a girl.”