His hooded view lowers to my mouth.

My lips tingle.

Oh no. It’s back. I want to lean forward, touch his mouth to mine, and find out what he might feel like there.

I flicker to his eyes. Not that they’re any safer.

Bad things linger in them. The kind that could get me into another situation like Nick Bailey that I’d later regret.

“Now,” he says, leveling back to his full height and shoving the tips of his fingers into the front pocket of his jeans. “There’s a coffee shop the next block up.” He nudges his head in the direction. “I’d suggest you go there and try to stay out of trouble.”

“I wasn’t trying to cause any trouble—”

He laughs.

“What?” I slam my hands on my hips.

“Lady, I bet you’re nothing but trouble.” He shakes his head and walks away toward a black truck.


Even his ass is fine.

I watch him—and it—swagger across the street.

Chapter 3

I bring the miter saw down onto the wood.

“Hey!” Brett walks in. “It’s Saturday. What are you doing here?” He drops his tools on the table.

“I could ask you the same thing.” I measure the piece of wood to double-check the size.

I can’t get the coffee shop woman off my mind. Her overly large brown eyes but not just any brown, light amber on the inside and near black on the outside. Her witty curved mouth and full reddish-brown lips. The color looked natural, like her chestnut hair.

To remove her from my mind, I decided to come to get a head start on our latest job. I thought it might help.

It’s not.

“Wait.” I put down the wood. “Isn’t it your week to see Mom?”

“Cassie went in my place.”

“Cassie?” My head jerks back. “Your girlfriend went to prison to meet your mom for the first time, alone?” I whistle. “She’s something.” I arch a brow.

“Don’t worry. You’ll find a good woman of your own.”

“Ah.” I laugh, waving a finger at him. “One must first be looking for something in order to find it.” The coffee shop girl flashes in my mind.

What the fuck?

Brett grins at me like he knows what’s going on in my head.

“You’re the one who pushed me to be with Cassie. Admit it. You’re a romantic, brother.”

“I only wanted you to be happy. And look at you.” I toss out my hands and lean back. “I’ve never seen you happier.”

He stares off for a second. “Yeah.” His eyes snap back to me. “I didn’t know how to be happy until I met her.”