She squeezes my arm. “You’re doing great, honey.”

I release a low chuckle, then turn around and make eye contact with Cole. “Ready?”

He nods.

We leave the place and get in his truck.

“I’ll take you to the drop-off and leave you with my truck. I’ll hitch a ride back home with Lix. You should be safe in the motel for the night. Once you get the victim settled and on her way, let me know you’re heading back to my place.”

“Sounds good. How did your visit go with your mom?”

“Fine,” he says with thinned lips. “I’ll stop by my place so you can pick up some things for the night. While you’re getting your stuff, I’ll figure out where to meet Lix.”

“Okay.” I nod, nibbling my lip and hoping I don’t fuck this one up as well.

Chapter 22

We pull up to the gas station. I park the truck to wait for Lix and turn to Harper. “You have everything you need?”

She looks down at her bag. “Yeah.”

“Good.” My eyes shift to the windshield. “How did your visit go with Willa?”

“It was nice to see her. She’s just as spunky as ever. She said she’ll be out by next week, and we’ll figure out something for me to go home with her. That’s if they don’t catch Joel first.”

“You’re gonna miss our ritual morning kisses.” I smile, staring ahead at the parking lot.

“You think so?”

I hear the tease in her voice. It draws my eyes back to her. “Yeah. I think so.”

“Maybe.” Her nose scrunches.

I’ll take the small win. At least she’s not trying to fight me on it.

Catching movement out of the corner of my eye, my view moves to Lix’s SUV. “They’re here.”

“Okay,” she breathes out the word.

She’s probably anxious after what happened with the first escort. I place my hand over hers. “You’re going to do great.”

Her eyes gaze down at our touching hands. “I know.” She smiles and gets out of the truck.

I wait for the woman to exit Lix’s SUV before I get out of my truck, leaving the keys behind. I walk toward Lix’s SUV as Harper and the woman pass by me. I nod at them both.

“Hey,” Lix says.


“You going home, then?”

I want to drive to the motel Harper is going to and camp out in the parking lot all night to be sure she’s safe. But there’s no way the piece of shit stalking her knows where she is now. And she has my truck. So I have no choice but to go home and wait for her call. “Yeah.” I open the SUV door, take one last look at Harper, and get in.

Lix jumps in and puts his seat belt on. “You see Mom today?”

“Fucking Brett made me interrogate her.”

“Better you than me.” He chuckles, pulling out onto the street.