“Social worker? Well, that’s an admirable profession.”

“Yeah, she’s one of those people who do great things but don’t even know it.”

“I understand. There’s a woman in here who is like that. She helps so many of the inmates and doesn’t realize it. Nor does she ask for anything in return. Those are the special ones. I’m glad you found someone like that.”

“So you’re making friends in here?”

“Yes. I have made some.”

Okay. Here’s my opening. “What about your friend, Lucy Deetman? What can you tell me about her?”

“Oh.” Mom’s face scrunches as she clenches her hands tighter. “That damn lawyer. I told her to let that go.”

“Sofia, the damn lawyer, like your kids, is trying to help you. If she can prove that you had money and a plan to go somewhere safe, then it wasn’t murder. It wasn’t premeditated. Mom, you called 911. It wasn’t like you ran with us. You stayed and let them arrest you.”

“I had no choice,” she says, which is the same thing she’s been saying for years.

“I understand.” Really, I don’t, but I say it anyway. “But maybe with this new evidence, Sofia can get the charges dropped to manslaughter with a reduced sentence. You could be released with time served.”

She stares at me for a long stretch of silent seconds. “What color is her hair?”



I shake my head, realizing I’m no good at this shit. It’s my fault for always keeping our conversations pretty. Now, when I need to have a serious talk with her, she does what I’ve always done during these visits. She deflects.

It breaks my heart. I let her down. Like when I was a kid, I wasn’t there for her. I couldn’t save her from that fucker.

I take a deep breath and respond with a small smile, “It’s dark brown.”

Chapter 21

I enter the building. The familiar nursing home smell hits my nose, reminding me of what I left back in Texas.

Which isn’t much.

Sure, I have a few friends, but they’re work friends. People I’d go out with now and again for drinks after work. The only person I love is here in Florida.

She’s the woman who was there for me during the lowest times of my life, and I left her because it was too hard for me to be here. After I lost Tyler, I ran, fled the state, trying to leave the pain and heartache behind me.

Since being back, it’s been easier than I thought. Of course, there’s the escort service and Cole to distract me.

Cole is becoming something more than a distraction.

I’m trying desperately to ignore that fact.

Finding room 224, I walk inside.

Aunt Willa’s eyes light up. “Harper!”

She puts her hands out. I do the only respectful thing I can for the woman who helped raise me. I dive into her welcoming hug.

“Hi, Aunt Willa,” I say, pulling back from the long, overdue embrace.

Her hands palm my cheeks. “Let me have a look at you.” She searches my face. “Oh, you’re so beautiful.”

I push a smile under the weight of her pressing palms.