“It’s my fault,” she whispers.


“Is she okay? Oh God.” Her flat eyes remain locked on Amanda. “What if she dies? It’s all my fault.”

“Harper, look at me.”

“She trusted me and—”

“Me. Harper. Look. At. Me.”

Her eyes shift my way. When they reach mine, I grab her and don’t let go. “Good. Stay with me.” I nod. “Amanda is going to be all right.”

“She is?”

I nod, aware it could be a lie but also aware that Harper needs to think it’s the truth. “You have my cell.”


“Take it out and call 911.”

“She’s going to be okay,” she says, wringing her hands.

“Now, Harper.”

“Yeah.” I lose her eyes when she reaches into her purse. “Okay.” She nods. “Yes.” She holds out the cell. “I’m calling 911.”

Chapter 12

“They’re on their way.”

“Good.” Cole measures me while his hand gently rubs Amanda’s arm. “Maybe I should put her on the bed.”

“No.” I hold up my hand and move toward him, watching his cautious touch. Amazed by this rugged man’s tenderness.

I do a quick examination of Amanda. She’s breathing, but she’s not moving. “She could have a fracture or something. It’s best to leave her until the EMTs get here and check her out.”

“Yeah.” He gives her one last stroke before standing. “Okay.”

“Has she…?” I pause for another passing inspection of the woman on the floor. “Did she say anything?”

“No.” He does his own quick assessment. “She moaned a few times.” His eyes move to mine. “He banged her up pretty bad, but we won’t know for sure what’s going on until the doctors take a look.”

“Alright.” I find myself drawn back to Amanda’s unresponsive, bruised body, blame running thick in my veins and crushing my heavy heart.

I caused this. What was Aunt Willa thinking? I’m not cut out for this shit. She trusted me, and I screwed up everything. I got this woman hurt.

“Okay.” I drag my eyes away from my mistake, finding Cole viewing me from under a concerned brow.

“Harper, this isn’t your fault.”

I press my hands together and lift my fingers to my mouth. I must pull myself together. Go out of my body, as Aunt Willa says.

I got this.

“Okay.” I take my hands from my mouth. “There’s a Hampton Hotel a couple of miles back. You go there. Get us a room and call me from it. Give me the number there. I’ll stay here and go to the hospital with Amanda. When she wakes up, I’ll get her family’s address. You can go and tell them what happened. When they get to the hospital, you come get me.”

The corners of his eyes crease. “I’m not leaving you.”