“Get dressed.” I wave my hand again. “We need to go. Wait.” I stop. “Where’s your cell?”

He picks it up from the coffee table and shows it to me.

“Oh shit! I hope I didn’t lead him right to her. Fuck.” I press the tips of my fingers to my temples. “I’ll never forgive myself. I have to call her. Warn her.” I lunge for his phone.

“I’ll call her.” He pulls the cell back from my reaching, panic-stricken hand. “You get dressed.”

“Tell her to ditch the burner, go to a new motel, and send us where she is. Oh.” I point. “Tell her to get a new burner and—”

He stands, dismissing my freak-out. Hope fills me. Will my sexual curiosity be quenched? Oh please. Yes!

He grips the sheet at his waist before it reveals all to me.

Dammit! I really wanted to get a glimpse of him. The wonder is killing me. I should’ve tried harder to get him to have sex with me. Came out of the shower naked or something.

No! Stop!

Bad thoughts! The kind that tends to get me into trouble.

Let them go. There’s a woman who needs help!

I’ll deal with the itch in my palms and other unmentionable parts to touch every inch of Cole’s incredibly male body another time.

“Okay.” I scan his musclebound form. “You get dressed too.”I hold out my hand. “Quick! I want to be on the road in two minutes.” I raise my fingers to emphasize the time limit. “Two!”


Cole covered up nicely in a gray T-shirt that tweaks the glint in his eyes and a pair of worn jeans that hide but do nothing to deplete the muscles I got a glimpse of earlier.

“Amanda texted. She’s at the new motel. I have the address.” I set Cole’s cell in my lap and type the address into the dashboard’s GPS. “There.” I sit back. “It says we’ll be there in another two hours and twelve minutes.”

“Okay,” Cole responds with his eyes focused on the road.

I grip his cell. “I think we should reach out to her family when we get there. It’s not like we can stay there forever, but we need to make sure she’s safe before we leave. Oh, did you talk to Willa?”

“Yes. I told her we’d be back no later than tomorrow night. She will reach out to Brett to see if Cassie, his girlfriend, could take over for you if we get any calls.”


“Yeah, it’s okay. She knows about the escort service and has some experience with it. She’s a Julia.”

“A Julia?”

His eyes slide over to me. “I take it that repeat wasn’t for processing?”

“Smart-ass.” I squint, keeping my eyes on him as he turns back to the road.

“It’s what we call the victims to keep their identity safe. The first escort we did, her name was Julia.”

“Oh yes. Lix explained it to me. How long have you been doing this with my aunt?”

“Four years.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-nine.” He looks at me with an arched brow. “You?”

“Twenty-seven,” I say with pride. I like the age I’m at. “You were only twenty-five when you started this? That’s young.”