“She looks young. Maybe early twenties.”


I clench my hand tighter. My chest swells with unbearable pain. “I want to kill him.”

“I know, Cole.” Brett sighs heavily into the cell. “Fuck! I know. But listen, you gotta get out of there. There’s nothing you can do for her now.”

I look at the bed and venture to the floor where her other pink sock lies.

Was she in the middle of putting them on when he attacked her?

I turn back to her empty eyes. They stare up at me, poised for my return, waiting for me to fill them with something.



“I was too late,” I whisper more to myself.

“Fuck, bro. It’s not your fault.”

“No,” I argue, unable to tear my eyes off her. I can’t look away. I owe her at least that. “I was held up at the job site and got stuck in traffic. If I had been here just a few minutes earlier. If I—”

“Cole! Stop it.”

“She must’ve been so scared.”

“Cole. Where are you? Are you in the kitchen? The bedroom?”

“The bedroom.”

“Alright. I need you to look at the closet. What kind of door is it? Panel? Bifold? Accordion? Pocket?”

I glance up and find the closet. “It’s bifold.”

“Good. Okay. Now, what about the door to the room? Is it that cheap-ass MDF shit or real wood?”

I turn to check it out. “It’s the cheap stuff.”

“Are you looking at it now?”

“Yeah.” I didn’t notice anything when I walked into the room. All I focused on was her.

That’s unlike me. I always take in my surroundings and photograph it in my mind, but all I could see was her lifeless, crystal-like blue eyes staring at me.


This Julia’s name is Emily.

“Cole. I want you to walk out that door and head to your truck. Don’t look back, okay?”

“Yeah. Okay,” I agree.

Brett’s right. Not looking back and not thinking about the what-ifs is the only way I’m getting out of here.

I concentrate on the door and move my feet toward it. I walk through the place, snapping my eyes around the room, taking everything in, logging it into my brain. I push the front door open with the tips of my fingers.

My foot lands on the stoop.