“Where’s your phone?”

“Inside.” She turns and heads for the door with me following.

“Why would you call Amanda from your phone?” I shake my head, my eyes fastened on her plump, bite-worthy ass. “Didn’t Willa explain how all of this works?”

She stops. I halt just before her edible bumper slams into my body.

“Yes!” Her head whips around. Dark blazing caramel eyes shoot at me. “She explained! But when I got the escort call from Lisa, who works at the crisis center, I couldn’t find the burner. So I used my cell to first reach out to Amanda. I told her to delete the call. I found the burner and used it after that. How was I supposed to know her abuser was a hacker?” She grabs her cell off the counter. “I forgot it last night. That’s probably why he never showed up at the motel, thank God. If anything would’ve happened to her…Shit, I can’t believe I—”

Her cell rings in her hand. She looks down at it.

“Great!” She lifts it, showing me the incoming call.


She swipes the screen and puts it to her ear. “Hi, Aunt Willa…Yes, I’m okay. Cole is here now. Everything is okay—Fine.” Her eyes roll as she lays her cell flat in her palm and hits the speaker.

“Cole?” I hear Willa’s voice.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“Good. Good. What happened?”

“Harper called the victim with her personal cell, and the abuser ended up being a hacker. He located her from it, but she’s alright. She got rid of him with a little help from her friend Fred.” I grin at Harper’s glaring eyes.

“Fred!” Willa bellows through the line. “Harper Lydia James, what did I tell you about bringing Fred into my house?”

“I’m sorry, Aunt Willa, but luckily, I did.”

A loud sigh exits the cell. “We’ll discuss it later,” Willa says with strictness in her tone that I’ve never heard. “Cole, can you take Harper to your place for a day or two—”

“No!” Harper and I say in unison.

I hear Willa sigh again. “It’s just a couple of days until I can figure this out. Cole, please.”

The desperation in Willa’s voice works at guilting me into doing something I don’t want to for reasons I’m not ready or willing to deal with.


Harper and I stare at each other, both probably imagining the whole screwy situation and what our future might look like being stuck together for God knows how long.

“Cole, you know she’s not safe there now,” Willa says, and she’s right.

I can’t leave Harper here with or without Fred. What if the piece of shit brings back his own fucking Fred?

“Yeah.” I set my hands on my hips and drop my head. “Okay, Willa,” I concede.

“Thank you, Cole. I’ll see what I can do about Amanda’s attacker and reach out to you later. Harper.” There’s a pause. “You behave, young lady. The Daxon brothers are good men. Don’t give them any trouble.”

“Oh, Aunt Willa, haven’t you heard? According to Cole”—Harper grins, eyes locked in sneering mode—“I’m nothing but trouble.”

“Harper, I mean it,” Willa says again in that strict and unbending tone.

Harper’s eyes move down to her cell. “What about the next session?”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. I’ll call the clients and let them know it’s been canceled. Just get out of there. I’ll talk to you later.” The cell goes back to the multicolored screen saver.

“This is just great!” Harper lifts her phone in the air.