“Yeah. She’s banged up a little but said she didn’t need to go to the hospital.”

“Is that something you do? Take them to the hospital?”

“I have, but it’s best if we can get them to Willa and have her take it from there. It’s safer. The faster and farther away we get them from their abuser, the better.”

I’d like to stand here and pick his brain a little longer, but I’m sure Amanda is ready to get going.

“Okay.” I lift my chin. “I’m ready.”

“Are you?” He steps closer, increasing the heat inside me. His voice lowers. “This woman left everything behind, her home and most of her things. While it’s a brave act, she’s scared, hurt, and vulnerable. You’re her only lifeline. She needs to be able to rely on you to get her somewhere safe. Do you have a plan?”

I stare into his beautiful, determined gray eyes. Arrogance gone. He’s different from the smart-ass with a hero complex who saved me at the café. What he’s doing for these women with no recognition or praise is selfless and honorable.

It just makes him sexier, dammit.

“I've got it from here, Cole.”

He stares down at me through hooded eyes. No matter how much he lowers them, the glistening gray sneaks through. They’re striking. I feel them leaving a heavy impression on me.

He walks over to the passenger side of his truck and opens the door.

“Amanda.” He speaks softly and gently. “You can come out.” He moves to the extended cab door and grabs her bags.

The woman, who looks to be in her late twenties or early thirties—it’s hard to tell behind the bruises—crawls out of the truck. Her red, swollen eyes meet mine. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I blink away my pity because she doesn’t need that right now. She needs strength.

I walk over.

“Amanda,” Cole says, handing me the bags. “This is Jane.” He locks eyes with me. “She’s going to help you get somewhere safe.”

“Hi, Amanda,” I say with a small smile, placing her bags over my shoulder. “My car is over there. We’ll go to a motel for the night, where we can talk. Okay?”

The woman’s eyes flash to Cole.

“It’s alright. Jane will keep you safe. You need to go with her.”

“Thank you,” she whispers and turns to me. “I’m ready.”

I nod, glancing at Cole. He’s already making his way to the driver’s side of his truck.

Without looking back, he gets in and leaves.

I guess his job is done.

Amanda and I drive in silence for the hour it takes to get to the motel. Once inside, Amanda’s shoulders drop. Tears fill her eyes, and her body shakes. She’s finally ready to let go of the strength she’s been holding inside.

I walk over and put my arms around her. She grabs me like the lifeline Cole mentioned I’d be. I hold her and let her get it all out.

“I’m sorry.” She wipes her eyes and sits down on the bed.

“It’s okay.” I lower beside her and imagine touching her bruised face must hurt. Not to mention the tears burning her sore and tender skin. I want to break the bastard for what he did to her. I’m starting to see my aunt Willa in a whole new light. “You’ve been through a lot tonight.”

She looks down at the floor.

“We don’t need to talk about what happened, not tonight, but I recommend seeing someone when you get somewhere safe.”

She nods.

“However…” I fold my hands together in my lap. “We do need to discuss where you want to go?”