Jane? I know who Jane is. She’s the woman Brett brought me to when he rescued me from Glenn.

“You could’ve gotten really hurt,” I say.

“It’s the name of the game.” Lix grins.

“It’s not a game, Lix,” Brett says. “And you’ve gotta stop treating it like one.”

“At least I know when to end it, big bro,” Lix says, glaring at him.

The nurse walks in smiling, breaking the escalating tension between the two brothers. “How’s your pain, Mr. Daxon?”

“I told you, beautiful,” Lix’s head rolls on the pillow as his eyes follow the nurse. “Call me Lix.”

Brett shakes his head. “I’m sorry about my brother.”

“It’s okay. As I told your friend earlier. It’s just the morphine talking.” She smiles.

Giving Lix one more scowl, Brett looks back at the nurse. “Is he going to be discharged soon?”

“Yes. We’ll stop the morphine, and if his pain remains under control, we’ll discharge him.”

“All right, thanks.” Brett’s voice gets louder. “Lix?”

“Yeah,” his hooded eyes move to Brett.

“I’m going to walk Cassie to her car. I’ll be back.”

“I hope you feel better.” I smile.

Lix’s heavy eyes sway my way. “I’ll be fine.” He winks.

Brett places his hand on my elbow. “Let’s go.”

We walk out to my car in the parking lot.

I stop and look up. Brett stares down at me through those mysterious, cloudy, and heart-stopping eyes. “Thanks for calling me.”

“No problem. He’s going to be okay?”

“Yes.” A slow smile spreads over his lips

“Good.” I nod. No doubt, this isn’t the first ER run for the Daxon brothers.

“He’ll be out of commission for a few days but don’t worry. It won’t put the job behind schedule.”

“I don’t care about the schedule. I just want him to be okay.”

“You two have been spending a lot of time together,” he says, irritation grinding in his deep low voice.

“He’s teaching me about plaster and paint. He’s fun. I like him.” I tilt my head back. Sometimes, where there’s no fire, you must spark a flame. “Maybe I’ll ask him out. He’s nice.”

“Sure, you could. But” —his smile widens— “you don’t want nice.”

I raise a brow and cock my head to the side. “I don’t?”

“No. You’re not gonna fall for a nice guy, again.” He steps in closer.

His body barely brushes mine.