Glenn’s eyes snap to me for a split second. “Look who’s come to save the day.”

Brett takes a step forward.

Glenn swings the gun in his direction.

“No!” I shake my head, begging Brett to stop.

“Yes.” Brett smiles, nodding his head. His eyes move to Glenn. “You aim that fucking gun at me, fucker.” He taps his chest. “You aim it right here,” Brett taunts the lunatic as he takes another step forward toward Glenn.

“That’s close enough,” Glenn warns, maneuvering in Brett’s direction.

“Oh, I don’t think so.” Brett takes another step.

“Brett.” I desperately plead. “Please don’t do this.”

“Yeah, Brett.” Glenn snarls. “I’d listen to your whore.”

Brett’s left eye twitches, but his smile doesn’t crack. He takes another step.

He’s five or six feet from the gun! If Glenn pulls the trigger, it’ll kill him!

“I think after our last encounter,Glenn,” Brett says with a tight, unwavering grin. “You’d realize by now that a fucking gun isn’t going to stop me.”

I can’t let Glenn hurt him. I won’t let Glenn take anything else from me. I will not allow him to hurt me anymore and it will kill me if anything happens to Brett. I can’t lose him, not like this. He will not die because he saved me. It will not go down like this! I will die first for trying to save him.

Glenn’s not paying attention to me. He’s too worried about the massive threat in front of him. I haul back my arm and knock the gun from his hand.

It goes off before flying from his grip.

Brett punches Glenn in the face with his right fist. Then he delivers another punch just as precise and as powerful with his left fist. Glenn tries to get a few swings in, but Brett blocks them all.

They end up on the floor with Brett on top of him, smashing his fist into Glenn’s face.

I stand watching what I wish I could’ve done myself.

I stand, mobilized by revenge.

I stand, staring down at Glenn’s unresponsive limp body and bloodied face.

Wait! Brett’s going to kill him!

“Brett! Stop.” I rush toward him. “Brett!” It’s as if he can’t hear me.

He’s on a mission to put Glenn down for good.

Take him out.

Permanently eliminate him!

I can’t let Brett do it! I can’t be the reason he kills someone. I’ll never forgive myself. He’ll never forgive me. Glenn will get what he wants. He will ruin what might have been for Brett and me. He’d kill us before we even get the chance to love each other in a normal and healthy way.

“Brett!” I reach out to grab him.

Brett’s arm comes back with great force. His elbow connects with my left eye.

The hit blinds me. I fall back into the end table, and the lamp crashes to the floor with me.

I shake my head, trying to see through the blur and sting. Dark stormy eyes flash to me. Regret clears the blinding storm, washing away the angry clouds.