My cell rings, interrupting his threats.

I pull it from my pocket. “Yeah.”

“Brett,” Cassie’s low whisper comes through my cell. “I just got home, and it looks like someone broke in.”

My entire body tenses. “Don’t go in. Leave. I’m on my way.”

There’s a scream. The call ends.

I redial her number.

“Fuck!” I try her again. Nothing!

Cole walks toward me. “What’s going on?”

I must get to her. All this time, I thought she was safe from Glenn.

What if he found her? What if he’s back?

I told her not to worry. I thought he was dead. If anything happens to her, it’s all my fault.

I run out the door.

I keep trying her cell, but it continues to go straight to voicemail.

I call Cole.

“Brett? What the fuck is going on? Are you okay?”

“It’s Cassie. I think something happened. Call the police. I’m on my way to her place.”

Chapter Thirty

I park my car, get out and head for my apartment. My cell rings.

I fish it out of my purse. It’s Erica. I know what she wants, so I’ve been evading her calls.

I hit the green dot. “Hello.”

“Hi Cassie, it’s Erica.”

“How are you?”

“I’m good. Thanks. Have you made a decision yet?”

I stop at the elevator. “I just need a few more days.”

“Cassie, we’re going live in a month. I need an answer. Can you, at least, tell me which way you’re leaning?” She pauses. “If you do stay in Florida, we’ll have to make arrangements in New Hampshire.”

“Wouldn’t you keep Shelby on? She’s doing an excellent job there.”

“Sure, if that’s part of the deal for you to head up the Florida location, we can certainly discuss Shelby staying on in your old position in New Hampshire.”

“And if I don’t, she’d be a good fit for Florida?”

“Listen.” I hear her sigh into the cell.

I’m pushing it with her. I need to decide what I’m going to do.