Not getting any help from Cole, I turn back to Lix and clear my dry throat. “You took care of what?”

“I went to my truck and got a mask ’cause like I said, we should use them.” He smirks. “I went in the house, and I took care of the problem you two created.”

Cole finds his voice. “You what!” His face reddens. “What the fuck did you do?” He grips his hair with his hands. “Fuck, Lix! Why would you do that? Why didn’t you just leave him there?”

“I had to take care of the situation. You two didn’t,” Lix says as if proud of himself.

I don’t want to know what he did. We shouldn’t even be talking about this, but shit. We’re already in, and now, my baby brother is an accomplice. It’s all my fault.

“Lix.” I take a deep breath. We need to figure this shit out. “What the hell did you do with the body?”

“Well,” he says, his little annoying grin widens. “If you would’ve checked out the situation better, you would’ve realized you didn’t kill him.”

Cole’s hands go out wide. “We didn’t fucking kill him!”

“No shit.” Lix nods. “He was alive when I got there. It seems the fucker had on a vest. Like what asshole sits around at home wearing a bulletproof vest?” He shakes his head. “I figure the dickhead knew his days were numbered.”

I drop back against the desk. Glenn’s not dead? All this time, I thought he was dead.

Lix glances at me. “See, when you shot him, he fell back and hit his head. It knocked him out, but it didn’t kill him. When he came to, I had a nice long chat with the fucker, gave him a ride out of town, and told him that if he ever came back, I’d finish the job you started.”

“Lix!” Cole’s eyes protrude, and nostrils flare. “We didn’t kill him!”

“What are you talking about?” Lix looks at Cole for the first time registering what he has been trying tell him.

“Brett was there.” Cole points at me. “He was looking in the window, and he saw a guy shoot him. He called me. I went over there, and we decided just to leave. We had nothing to do with the shooting or what was going on.”

“Oh…” Lix’s eyes narrow, and his lips pucker. “Wait.” He scratches his head. “Now that I think about it, it happened months after you saved Cassie. So, big bro, what were you doing there in the first place?”

I stare at him, not interested in entertaining him with an excuse but know damn well I’m not getting out of it. “I’d check on the house to make sure she didn’t go back to him.”

“What the fuck? Is this something you do with all the Julias? Do you stalk them all?”

“Fuck you!”

“He doesn’t,” Cole says, in my defense.

“So it was just her?”

I grimace.


“Fuck!” I throw out my hands. “I don’t know.”

“Yes. He does.” Cole nods. He glances at me. “Just let it go, Lix.”

“Fuck.” Lix shakes his head. “She had no chance against you. Of course, she’s going to be drawn to you. You fucking saved her. But you know better, Brett. You’re fucking with that girl and messing with her head. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that?” His eyes grill me. “Why?”

“I don’t know!”

“Oh, you do.” Cole laughs. “Just say it, asshole.”

Teeth clenched and hands fisted, I’m not going to get out of this either. My brothers deserve the truth. “I care about her. Is that what you fuckers want to hear?”

“Yes.” With a huge ass smile on his face, Cole starts clapping. “Yes!”

“You wh-at?” Lix’s eyes slant. “Do you even know how to do that? Hell, with this shitty life, do any of us? All we’ve ever had is each other.” He points at me. “You’d better be right about this. If you hurt her, I swear—”