“Oh-ho.” Cole rubs his chin.

I glance at my two brothers, who observed me acting like some lovestruck idiot.

“Looks like someone’s got it bad for the boss.” Cole laughs.

I walk over and smack him in the chest. “She’s not the boss for much longer.”

“Yeah, a few more days, and the job is done. What are you gonna do then?”

“Yeah, big bro.” Lix smirks. “What are you going to do?”

I glare at him. Why won’t he let it go? He’s been a fuck about me dating Cassie, given me nothing but shit. Does he care about her? Is that it? “What the fuck is your problem?”

“I just want you to be honest” —he leans in closer to me— “with her.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Lix spies at me from the corner of wagering eyes. “I know what happened that day at Miller Lane.” His eyes bounce back and forth between Cole and me.

Cole’s head tilts. He glares at Lix from the corner of his curious eyes. No doubt, like me trying to understand what Lix is saying.

“What do you think you know?” Cole asks, breaking the silent challenge between us.

“I know everything, but I bet Cassie doesn’t.” Lix nods with a grin.

He’s such a cocky wiseass. He knows he’s got our undivided attention, and he’s taking advantage of it.

“Okay, smart-ass.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the desk. “Tell us what you know.”

There’s no way he knows the truth. It’s not something someone could just figure out, and by the skewed look on Cole’s face, I’m convinced he never said anything to our younger brother.

“We were working on the Robison’s place, remember the one with the pink tile in the bathroom? I don’t know what that lady was thinking.” Lix shakes his head. “It wasn’t your normal powder pink. Remember, it was that vintage bubblegum-pink color from the fifties?”

I lower my eyes. “Felix.”

His face pinches. I’m good with the name jab and glad it infuriates him. I’m pissed, so why not drag him along for the ride?

“Yeah, come on.” Cole tosses out a frustrated hand. “What the fuck?”

“Fine.” Lix blows out, keeping his eyes on Cole. “You got a call while we were there. You walked out of the room, and I could hear you talking. You sounded worried. So when you came back in and said you had to take off for an hour, I followed you.”

My body straightens. I glance at Cole.

Lix was there that day? I didn’t see him.

Cole’s reaction proves he’s just as confused.

“I saw you guys standing on the lawn outside the house on Miller Lane, looking in the window and arguing. I waited until you got back in your cars and took off, then I went over to see what the fuck you were looking at.”

Sweat beads on my brow. I rub it off. My eyes dart to Cole.

“Don’t worry,” Lix waves a hand. “I took care of it.”

The hairs on my neck freeze in an upward position.

He took care of it?

I flash to Cole. His mouth opens, but nothing comes out.