
She rests back on her palms and crosses her legs at her ankles. “To be honest, it feels like you’ve been holding back.”

“Is that what it feels like?”

She looks me directly in the eyes without pause. “Yes.”

I observe her, fully aware of what she’s speaking of.

“Well…” I crawl over her, placing my hands on the ground. I hold my body over hers. Heat ignites in the space between us. “We’re going to have to change that.”

“You admit it, then? You’re holding back?”

“I am,” I tell her the truth. “As I said, I want to take it slow. I need to be sure you feel safe and that you trust me before I give you my dirty.”

Her eyes drop to my mouth. “I want all of you, Brett.”

I want to tell her the same. Admit I’ve been holding back because I’m afraid if I don’t, I’ll be selfish. I’ll take everything she’s willing to give, take it and keep it all for myself.

And the choice needs to be hers. Not mine.

“You said before I wasn’t ready, and you were right, but” —her eyes lift to mine— “I’m ready now.”

“Yes.” I roll over on my side, rest my head on my hand, and run my eyes down her dirty, sexy body. “You do portray a woman who is ready.”

“I’m serious.” She rolls over beside me, mirroring my position.

“So am I.” I feast her with my eyes once more. “And if Cole weren’t home, I’d take full advantage of how ready you are right now.”

She palms the side of my face. “You can’t keep doing that.”

“Doing what?” I hold my grin, relishing in the feel of her skin against mine.

“Hiding from me.” Her thumb skims my bottom lip, taunting my flesh further. “I see right through it, and someday, you’ll slip. That veil of yours will come down, and then, what are you going to do?”

Okay, shit is getting serious. She’s trying to take a trip somewhere I’m not ready to go.

I lean forward and do the only thing that might save my ass.

I kiss her.

With every press, nibble, and tug, our lips tease each other until our tongues get involved, heightening the sensual banter.

I roll over on top of her, slide my hand behind her head, and reluctantly pull my lips from hers.

If I don’t, I’m going to fuck her right here on the grass.

As much as I want to, it’ll have to wait.

She’s been offered the opportunity to stay in Florida permanently. The thought has knocked around in my head since it fell from her lips, and the attempt to ravish her on the grass isn’t going to make it disappear. I must deal with it.

I stand and hold out my hand to her.

Cheeks flushed and lips swollen, she takes my hand. I pull her to her feet.

She fixes her twisted shirt and blows the hair from her face. “When I said you're holding back, it's not just about the sex. That's not all I want from you. But I think you already know that.” She squints up at me against the sun. “And believe me, I know about holding back. It’s my MO. It makes you feel safe, knowing the other person doesn’t have every part of you.” She stares up at me in thought, and I fall victim to her trancing eyes. “Maybe you’re not ready to hand over that last piece of you, and that’s okay. All I’m asking is do you think I should take the job here? Should I stay?”

I know what she wants, but I can’t give it to her. And I hate that I can’t.