I trust this man with my body, secrets, and soul.

The pad of his thumb glides over my dry lip. “Do you think I have something to do with Glenn’s disappearance?”

Deep down inside. The bad part of me, the part I never want anyone to see, that I don’t allow to come to the surface, wishes Glenn is dead.

And even deeper, in the depths of that darkness, I wish Brett killed him.

It’s wrong.

But when I look at him, when I get past the storm, all I see is his light.

“No,” I breathe out the truth.

His hand moves down to my neck. His palm covers my throat. He applies light pressure pushing my head back. He bends down close to my face, searching my eyes. He reaches deep into my soul. “You don’t fear me?”

I swallow hard, feeling his hold strengthen around my neck. “No,” I whisper, falling further into his virtuous soul through the light shining in his compelling eyes.

His eyelids lower. The line in his jaw darkens. His mouth opens a little and then closes as if he’s not sure what to do. How to react.

Again, so unlike the Brett, I’m used to.

Wait. Do I make him nervous?

“Show me,” he says in a husky, provocative tone.

If he needs proof, I’ll give it to him.

I reach up and sift my hands into his thick hair. This is it. He came here for something. Answers? Assurance? Whatever it is, I’m going to give it to him. Whatever he needs from me, I’m ready and willing.

I pull him to my mouth and press my lips to his. The kiss starts slow and soft but rapidly moves to fierce, hungry, and unstoppable. Tongues fight as breaths struggle to be taken. Teeth nibble, and lips swell—my flesh burns from his kiss. A relentless ache in the pit of me strives to be touched and soothed.

I suck in a breath as he breaks from my mouth. Eyes glossy and lips shimmering, he’s radiating. Expression full of passion and need, he explores my face, resting silently on my eyes. He presses his forehead against mine.

“Cassie.” His eyes close. “I came here because I can’t fight it anymore. I need you.” His lashes lift, and his glistening eyes shine through me, reaching that ache in my core.

He touches it.

“I need to make you mine.”

He goes silent for a second. His words resonate through me.

“And you only get one chance.” He pauses as if to give me that chance. “If that’s not what you want, then you need to tell me to walk away right now.”

I place my hand on his chest and push him back.

The light in his eyes falters.

I stretch out a steady hand.

He looks at it as if having second thoughts.

“It’s okay, take it.”

His large beautiful, powerful, gentle, woman rescuing hand reaches for mine, and once we are connected, I do the only thing the whole of my being has wanted for so long.

I walk him to the bedroom.

Chapter Twenty-Five