Most abusers are cowards when it comes to other men. What this fucker doesn’t know is I’m not his equal.

“Now…” I lower my voice, maneuvering my body in his direction. “This can go two ways. You can walk out that door.” I grin, hoping he picks option number two. “Or you can wish you had.”

Choosing number two, he hauls his arm back and takes a swing at me. I veer to the left. Missing his target, my face, he falls forward. I grab him around the neck. My fist meets his side. Yeah, a couple more times than needed, but he deserves every punch.

Years of wrestling have taught me how to subdue my opponent. Grabbing his arm, I twist it around his back and slam him into the counter.

I want to crush him and make him hurt for days.

But I don’t know what shape she’s in, so I must get to her as soon as possible.

Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my Taser and shove it into his side. I push the button allowing the two small dart-like electrodes to do what my fists so desperately long to.

He convulses for a few seconds. I flip him around and drop the piece of shit on the floor. Lifting his arms, I zip-tie his hands above his head to one of the stools. It’s not a permanent fix, but he won’t get far tied to a stool.

It’ll give me some time to check on his victim.

I move around the counter—dark-blond hair fans out on the white ceramic tile. She’s bruised everywhere, lip fat and blood smeared on her unrecognizable face. And she’s out cold.

Crouching down, I check for a pulse. I release my breath.

All good there.

I grab the smelling salt from my pocket, crack it, and wave the stick a few inches below her nose.

Her head jolts back from the strong smell. Large blue eyes shoot open at me. Her body lifts from the floor, and nails come for my face.

“Cassie!” I catch her flying arms. “It’s okay.” I firmly hold her back, lowering my tone. “You’re safe.”

Breaths heavy, she shrugs her arms.

“I’m going to get you out of here. Are you alright?”

She stares up at me from her right eye. The left is swollen shut. “Who are you?”

“I’m your escort.”

Her muscles relax beneath my hold. Her head pops up with a look of terror. She turns left then right. “Where is he?”

“He’s over there on the floor. I won’t let him hurt you anymore.” I scan her body. “Will you be okay here for a minute?”

She nods. Her body relaxes in my arms, so I ease her back onto the floor.

“Do you have a bag packed?”

“Yes.” She nods. A single tear drops from her battered eye. “Last room on the right. It’s in the closet.”

“Okay. Stay here.” I get up. Check on the fucker on the floor. He’s coming around but still somewhat disoriented.

I move down the hall, get her bag, and come back into the kitchen.

“What about a purse?”

Still lying on the floor, she points at the table. I walk over to it, glancing at the motionless piece of shit on the floor. I get her purse, swing it over my shoulder along with her bag, and move back to Cassie.

I lean down. “Can you get up?”

“I-I…” She blinks. “I think so.” She presses her palm onto the floor.